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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Latin American Network: Introduction

    …etivos generales. En primer lugar, producir conocimiento académico de alta calidad y relevante para el diseño de políticas sobre diferentes temas acerca de los estudios del desarrollo en América Latina aplicando el lenguaje normativo del enfoque de desarrollo humano y capacidades. En segundo lugar, la HDCA-LA busca impulsar acciones transformativas que expandan las libertades reales de las personas en América Latina para llevar el tipo de vida que…

  2. What are HD & the CA?

    …sets of doings such as eating, reading or taking part in social and political organizations, and sets of beings, such as being well nourished, being free from malaria, not being ashamed. The central question of the CA is, ‘What kind of a life is a person leading? What does she succeed in doing and in being?’ People exercise agency in that they decide how to shape their lives and environment. This is why the CA sees human wellbeing to include capa…

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