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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Welcome to the HDCA

    al community of academics and practitioners that seeks to build an intellectu*]}*al community around the ideas of human development and the capability approach, and relate these ideas to the policy arena. The association promotes research within many disciplines, ranging from economics to philosophy, development studies, health, education, law, government, sociology, and more. Our members live in over 70 countries worldwide. We are building an interac

  2. Welcome to the HDCA

    al community of academics and practitioners that seeks to build an intellectu*]}*al community around the ideas of human development and the capability approach, and relate these ideas to the policy arena.  The association promotes research within many disciplines, ranging from economics to philosophy, development studies, health, education, law, government, sociology, and more. Our members live in over 70 countries worldwide. The Association’s main ac

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