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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. 19th Annual Labor and Employment Law Roundtable (USA)

    …ng labor and employment law. This year’s event will be broken into four virtu*]}*al sessions, culminating with a public roundtable on December 2. This discussion will look ahead to the expected labor policies of the incoming Biden administration and how the change of occupancy in the White House is likely to affect issues such as workplace safety, labor law reform, and workplace discrimination. – What changes to expect with regard to workplace safety,

  2. HDCA Teacher Workshop 2: Teaching at Undergraduate Level

    …more individuals who would like to join us to be able to do so. We have found that sometimes individuals sign up but don’t show up. This is disappointing for those who have not been able to secure a place. Please note, this workshop is specifically for people who are teaching about the CA at undergraduate level; we have other events in the following months aimed at undergraduate and graduate students. We look forward to welcoming you and learning…

  3. Webinar Discussion: Democratising Measurement: A Case Study from Well-Being Public Policy.

    …from an interdisciplinary perspective, with a particular focus on the ethical and epistemological issues involved in translating well-being insights from psychological science into public policy. Register here: — 2021 Webinar Series: Multidimensional Well-Being: Concepts, Measurement, & Application April – July 2021 The webi…

  4. HDCA Global Dialogue 2021

    HDCA is delighted to announce the HDCA Global Dialogue 2021, taking place 20-30 September 2021 entirely online using the Whova event platform. A special programme of events, the HDCA Global Dialogue 2021, will include keynote speakers, panel and roundtable discussions, workshops and informal meetings and networking sessions. The program has been organised by the eight HDCA Regional Networks. Attendance at all events in the HDCA Global Dialogue 2021 is free and open to both HDCA members and non-members.

    For more information about the HDCA Global Forum 2021, please contact the HDCA Administrator, Kathy Rosenblum (

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