Mr. Raphael Ng

- Position: Student
- Department: Economic and Business Ethics
- Affiliation: HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
- Country: Germany
- Biographical info: Raphael Ng’s research interest in economic and business ethics is centered on social impact, business and human rights, environmental social and governance (ESG) issues, and stakeholder theory. His present research explores how we can apply the Capabilities Approach to profit-oriented corporations, particularly to shift beyond the singular focus on profits towards a set of social and sustainable impacts. He is completing his doctoral research on economic and business ethics at the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management in Germany. Prior to his doctoral research, he studied philosophy in Canada (BA) and in the United States (MA).
Research interests:
Business Ethics, Organizational studies, moral and political philosophy, management studies
Thematic Groups:
Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network Empowerment and Collective Capabilities Ethics and Development Foundational Issues in the Capability Approach Horizontal Inequality Human Rights Human Security Participatory Methods Sustainable Human Development Technology, Innovation & Design Work and Employment
Regional Networks:
East Asia Network European Network North American Network