Senior researchers whose accomplishments taken together represent the mission of the Association will be invited to become Fellows on an ongoing basis.
Sabina Alkire (University of Oxford, UK)
Paul Anand (The Open University, UK)
P.B. Anand (University of Bradford, UK)
Elizabeth Anderson (University of Michigan, USA)
Kaushik Basu (World Bank, USA)
Mario Biggeri (University of Florence, Italy)
Alejandra Boni (Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Spain)
Jean-Michel Bonvin (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Andrea Brandolini (Bank of Italy, Italy)
Satya Chakravarty (ISI Kolkata, India)
Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti (University of Pavia, Italy)
Melis Cin (Lancaster University, UK)
David Clark (University of Cambridge, UK)
Flavio Comim (University of Cambridge, UK)
David Crocker (University of Maryland, USA)
Tom De Herdt (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Jay Drydyk (Carlton University, Canada)
Jean-Luc Dubois (University of Versailles, France)
Anantha Duraiappah (United Nations University, Germany)
Shailaja Fennell (University of Cambridge, UK)
James E. Foster (George Washington University, USA)
Alexandre Apsan Frediani (International Institute of Environment and Development, UK)
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr (The New School, USA)
Oscar Garza-Vazquez (Universidad de las Americas Puebla, Mexico)
Carlos Garzón (Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia)
Des Gasper (Inst. of Social Studies, the Netherlands)
Reiko Gotoh (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
Giulia Greco (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK)
Rebecca Gutwald (Munich School of Philosophy, Germany)
John Hammock (Tufts University, USA)
Caroline Sarojini Hart (University of Sheffield, UK)
Javier Iguiñiz (Catholic University of Lima, Peru)
Ravi Kanbur (Cornell University, USA)
Jeni Klugman (Harvard Kennedy School, USA)
Stacy Kosko (University of Maryland, USA)
Matthias Kramm (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
Jaya Krishnakumar (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Luis Felipe López-Calva (United Nations Development Programme, USA)
Carmen Martinez-Vargas (University of the Free State, South Africa)
Mark McGillivray (Deakin University, Australia)
Ann Mitchell (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina)
Sophie Mitra (Fordham University, USA)
Oliver Mutanga (Independent Researcher/Consultant, UK)
Martha Nussbaum (University of Chicago, USA)
Prasanta Pattanaik (University of California Riverside, USA)
Rosie Peppin Vaughan (University College London, UK)
Sammia Poveda (United Nations University, Macau)
Mozaffar Qizilbash (University of York, UK)
Sanjay Reddy (The New School, USA)
Henry Richardson (Georgetown University, USA)
Ingrid Robeyns (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
Erik Schokkaert (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
Amartya Sen (Harvard University, USA)
Jack Simpson (Leeds University, UK)
Randy Spence (ESDA, Canada)
Frances Stewart (University of Oxford, UK)
Diana Strassmann (Rice University, USA)
Subbu Subramanian (Madras Inst. of Dev.m. Studies, India)
Lorella Terzi (Roehampton University, UK)
Meera Tiwari (University of East London, UK)
Graciela Tonon (Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina)
Elaine Unterhalter (University of London, UK)
Martin van Hees (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Polly Vizard (London School of Economics, UK)
Melanie Walker (University of the Free State, South Africa)
Krushil Watene (Massey University, New Zealand)