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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice


HDCA PODCAST SERIES: The Capability Approach in Conversation

EPISODE 1: Introducing the Capability Approach

(Music is by Muertito, Produced by Verity Watts)

For more information on Ingrid, and as a good starting point for an overview of Capability Approach work, check out Ingrid's book Freedom, Wellbeing & Justice. It's open published, so is free to access.

You can also read an overview on the Stanford Encylopedia page, last edited by Ingrid and Morten Fibieger Byskov

EPISODE 2: Health Justice and the Capability Approach

In episode 2, Sridhar Venkatapuram (King's College London) discusses the philosophical implications of differing ways of seeing rights to health justice, and how the Capability Approach can help connect rights & policy. Sridhar has worked on health ethics for 30 years. He has won numerous awards, grants, and fellowships including Wellcome Trust Research and Senior Research Fellowships. He has been elected to prestigious professional organizations, commissions, and panels including the RSA, Faculty of Public Health, Human Development and Capability Association, and Lancet-Univ. of Oslo Panel on Global Governance for Health. Sridhar is a fellow of the HDCA.

For more information on Sridhar, and on the application of capabilities work to health justice, you can check Sridhar's book Health Justice: An Argument from the Capabilities Approach

EPISODE 3: Introducing the Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network

In this episode we speak to organisers of the Early Careers Researchers and Practitioners Network.  Organisers Raphael Ng, Abigail Lennox, Dorothy Ferary & Gareth Wall join us to discuss the group, its history and its purpose. 

Episode 4: Urban Inequalities: A Multidimensional and International Perspective

In this episode, we're led by Graciela Tonon, who's recently edited a new book on urban inequalities.

Episode 5: Energy Justice & The Capability Approach

In this episode, we discuss energy justice and what a capabilities framework can bring to it. We were joined by Dr Nathan Wood who helped put the episode together, Professors Lucie Middlemiss and Joohee Lee.

The network is a really vibrant space for capabilities work. You can find out more including how to join, here. On Twitter, follow @Capabilityapp on Facebook, search HDCA

If you'd like to discuss the podcast, you can mail Jack Simpson at or via the HDCA.

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