…ted and the article on “Human Development and Sustainability” written by Eric Neumayer has been added to complete coverage of recent works on the topic. For more information, see: http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415712538/ Please get in touch with the editors o.lessmann@hsu-hh.de or felix.rauschmayer@ufz.de for discount or if you would like to review the book….
Access to Justice for Indigenous Peoples: Realisation of an Inclusive and Integrated Human Rights Approach
…Word document, attachment to the organizers at: umindigenousconf2015@gmail.com Abstracts and full papers are to be Times New Roman 12’, at least 1.5 spacing. Please indicate your preferred panel. Paper presenters are required to send in a full paper prior to the conference. Selected papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law (a peer reviewed journal) or as a chapter in a book published by UM Press. D…