…combines the contributions of law, ethics, and economics. VACANCIES: 5 Doctoral Research Positions The LEES program is seeking five outstanding and committed students to carry out a three-year multidisciplinary research project. Here, the call for application: https://www.unimi.it/it/corsi/corsi-post-laurea-e-formazione-continua/corsi-di-dottorato-phd/aa-2023/2024-dottorato-international-and-public-law-ethics-and-economics-sustainable-development-…
CfP: Workshop “Children on the Move: Philosophy and Child Migration”
…g) Submissions: 750 words before 1 December 2018 to gottfried.schweiger@sbg.ac.at Workshop website: www.povertyresearch.org/children-on-the-move Background The so-called “refugee crisis” made migration the No. 1 political topic in many countries across the globe. This is mirrored by an unprecedented height in scholarly attention, also in philosophy (to name a few of the latest: Miller 2016; Parekh 2017; Fine and Ypi 2016; Sager 2016; Mendoza 2017;…