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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Inside the Journal

Volume 24.4 - November 2023

Special Issue: Economic Policies for Human Development
Guest Editor: Deepak Nayyar

Editorial Note

Message from the Editor
Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti


Economic Policies for Human Development: A Neglected Domain
Deepak Nayyar

Economic and Social Policies for Human Development
Deepak Nayyar and Rajeev Malhotra

Inequality and Capabilities in an Era of Rising Instability
Giovanni Andrea Cornia

Macroeconomic Policies for a Sustainable World
Frances Stewart

Why is macroeconomics neglected in equity and inclusion strategies for sustainable development? An exploration of four systemic barriers
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Kate Donald

Fossil Fuel Industry Phase Out and Just Transition
Robert Pollin

Rethinking Development in Latin America
Jose Antonio Ocampo and Daniel Titelman

Book Reviews

  1. A Development Economist in the United Nations: Reasons for Hope
    by Richard Jolly
    Reviewed by Michael Askwith
  2. A Common Good Approach to Development
    edited by Mathias Nebel, Oscar Garza-Vazquez, and Clemens Sedmak
    Reviewed by Dirk Philipsen
  3. Radical Housing: Designing Multigenerational and Co-Living Housing for All
    by Caroline Dove
    Reviewed by Ravin Ponniah
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