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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. In Memoriam – Rachel Nussbaum Wichert

    …um, her father Alan Nussbaum, and her husband Gerd Wichert. Rachel had a Ph.D. from Cornell University and a J.D. from the University of Washington. She was an attorney with a passion for wild animals and a special interest in marine mammals. She worked as a Government Affairs Attorney in the Wildlife Law Program at Friends of Animals, an international non-profit animal advocacy organization. Rachel innovatively engaged the Capabilities Approach t…

  2. NEW BOOK: Sustainability, Capabilities and Human Security

    …Editor: Crabtree, Andrew Copyright: 2020 Evaluates the capability of humans to simultaneously develop and achieve sustainability Applies theory to scientific, social, and policy structures, including ecology, ethics, and the Sustainable Development Goals Challenges existing literature to consider human rights in discussion with sustainable development More information:…

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