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Espinal Meza, Silvia Larisa (2017). 'The right to an Intercultural Bilingual Education (EIB) in Peru: reflections on children’s rights and capabilities in an Amazon school in Lima.' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, Cape Town 2017.
Spiteri, Pamela (2022). 'The Capability of Being Educated in Relation to ELET (Early Leaving from Education and Training) – transforming parental engagement structures in Europe to increase agency and limit inequalities' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2022.
Bartolomei, Livia (2023). 'The role of the Capability Approach for the impact evaluation of bioenergetic innovations: the case study of Biostar' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2023.
Farias Andrade, Sarah (1); De Moura Pires, Mônica (2); Inácio Ferreira Ferraz, Marcelo (2); Mota Saboya Pinheiro, Maurício (3) (2018). 'Índice de Desenvolvimento Como Liberdade Uma Proposta Teórico-Metodológica de Análise' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2018.
EXTENDED DEADLINE: VII Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Association for Human Development and the Capabilities Approach (ALCADECA)
…ess Registration process: Please send your abstracts to: Include the following information: Name Institutional affiliation Contact information Authors biography: no longer than 100 words Abstract and key words: no longer than 300 words. Please include in the abstract an explanation of the research theme and its relation to the human development and capabilities approach. For more information about the registration to the con…
Extensión de Fecha Límite: VII CONFERENCIA ALCADECA
…Diciembre 2018 Favor de mandar sus propuestas al correo: Incluyendo la siguiente información: Nombre Afiliación institucional Información de contacto Biografía del autor/a: no mayor a 100 palabras Resumen (Abstract y palabras clave): no mayor a 300 palabras. Por favor, incluir en el abstract una explicación del tema de investigación y su relación con el enfoque de capacidades y desarrollo humano, la metodología de la investi…
Bógus, Lucia (3); Pasternak, Suzana (2); Aires Magalhães, Luís Felipe (1) (2022). 'Spatial Standards of COVID-19 in Brazilian metropolises' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2022.
Bagchi, Kanak Kanti (1); Gautam, Ganesh Prasad (2) (2023). 'Enhancement of Capabilities and Human Development through Collective Action – A Case Study of the Role of Cooperatives in Nepal during the Conflict Period' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2023.
Access to Justice for Indigenous Peoples: Realisation of an Inclusive and Integrated Human Rights Approach
…Word document, attachment to the organizers at: Abstracts and full papers are to be Times New Roman 12’, at least 1.5 spacing. Please indicate your preferred panel. Paper presenters are required to send in a full paper prior to the conference. Selected papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law (a peer reviewed journal) or as a chapter in a book published by UM Press. D…