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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Call for Book Chapters – “Youth, Gender and Capabilities”

    …Please click here to download further information. Contact: Aurora Lopez-Fogues, Researcher at the Institute of Innovation, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Spain, Firdevs Melis Cin, Assistant Professor, Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey,

  2. Special Issue Call for Papers: European Journal of Engineering Education

    …anned Submission Process Deadline for extended abstracts (800-1000 words) ……. 8 January 2023 Notification of invitation for full paper submission …… 1 February 2023 Full paper submission due date……………………………… 1 September 2023 Instructions for authors Extended abstracts are submitted here: Instructions for preparing the full paper manuscript:…

  3. EXTENDED DEADLINE: VII Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Association for Human Development and the Capabilities Approach (ALCADECA)

    …ess Registration process: Please send your abstracts to: Include the following information: Name Institutional affiliation Contact information Authors biography: no longer than 100 words Abstract and key words: no longer than 300 words. Please include in the abstract an explanation of the research theme and its relation to the human development and capabilities approach. For more information about the registration to the con…

  4. Call for Editors – Journal of Global Ethics

    …e course of 2022. The full announcement is available at this Editor – qualifications Candidates should have a record of publication in global ethics and justice commensurate with the aim and scope of this journal. Previous editorial experience is desirable, but is not required. All proposals will be judged on their merits; consideration will be given to aspects of diversity that may supplement the perspectives of th…

  5. Conference Ethics of Economic Institutions

    …Utrecht University. For all questions, please email to Abstract submission and deadline Please send a Word document with your abstract (300-500 words plus up to 5 references) and your full contact details to The deadline for abstract submissions is July 1st, 2014. Submitters will be notified of acceptance or rejection by August 1st at latest. The deadline for registration is September 15st. Biograp…

  6. Extensión de Fecha Límite: VII CONFERENCIA ALCADECA

    …Diciembre 2018 Favor de mandar sus propuestas al correo: Incluyendo la siguiente información: Nombre Afiliación institucional Información de contacto Biografía del autor/a: no mayor a 100 palabras Resumen (Abstract y palabras clave): no mayor a 300 palabras. Por favor, incluir en el abstract una explicación del tema de investigación y su relación con el enfoque de capacidades y desarrollo humano, la metodología de la investi…

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