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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. 2020 HDCA Conference – Online (Auckland, NZ)

    A very special thank you to everyone who participated in, or otherwise supported the realisation of, our 2020 HDCA Conference. Due to COVID-19 and the corresponding global need for strict social distancing, we had to shift gear and turn the conference into an all-online event. We were thrilled that it was so appealing to such a large number of presenters and audience participants, and that it went so splendidly. It was an incredible pleasure to e-meet so many fantastic people ツ

    Hopefully, many of us will have a chance to meet non-virtually again in the near future. We hear that Antwerp is a beautiful place, among other locations.

    As always, our warmest wishes from Auckland,
    Your 2020 HDCA Conference Organisers

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    Alternatively, you can simply message the conference organisers at and they will add your address to the email list for you. The organisers are also happy to answer any conference-related questions at that address.


  2. 2018 HDCA Conference – Buenos Aires, Argentina



    HDCA 2018 Conference

    Ver la página web de la Conferencia en Español

    “Human Development and Social Inclusion
    in an Urbanizing World” 

    August 30-September 1, 2018

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    in collaboration with FLACSO Argentina

    With the support of


    The 2018 HDCA Program Committee cordially invites scholars, government policy makers, practitioners and other interested parties from all over the world to participate in the 2018 HDCA conference.  Original empirical research, theoretical issues, case-studies or reports of experiences, or findings from major research projects, and book panels relevant to conference theme or more broadly related to human development/capabilities approach will be presented.




  3. 2023 HDCA Conference – Sofia, Bulgaria

    The conference will take place from 11-13 September, 2023

    Hosted by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPS-BAS), Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Open Society Institute – Sofia (OSIS), Trust for Social Achievement (TSA), and Sustainable Cooperation (SCOOP)

    ‘Vulnerability, human development and cooperative re-building in turbulent times’

    We are living in turbulent times, times characterized by dynamic, deepening inequalities both between and within societies, as well as increased levels of insecurity and vulnerability. The Covid 19 pandemic, climate change, ecological disasters, famine war in Ukraine and many other conflicts around the world, have  deepened these trends. The consequences are evident in human and non-human life posing multilayered obstacles to human development.  Between 2020 and 2021, the human development index contracted for all countries.

    Vulnerability is a feature of humanity. Martha Nussbaum notes the need for societies to acknowledge their citizens are needy and vulnerable. If vulnerability is an enduring aspect of the human condition, it needs to be addressed by individuals, collectives and institutions. The recent Covid-19 crisis demonstrated that human vulnerability is universal. But it is also shaped and experienced differently depending on economic, political and social environments.

    There are no ready, easily applied and transferable answers about how individuals and societies can cope with vulnerability amidst many emerging challenges across the world. However, there are some lessons to be learned. All crises remind us how much human lives are interrelated. In order to flourish, our societies need more cooperation at all levels – local, national and global. We need a balance between striving for individual goods and the promotion of public goods. Innovations can help, but an inclusive usage of digital technologies is necessary.

    Recent manifestations of human vulnerability raise questions about how the capability approach and the human development paradigm can help, in the contemporary context, in thinking through some of the questions of changing capability sets across social divisions of race, class, gender, age, disability and nationality. Applying the capability approach can encourage studying who benefits and who loses from recent societal developments. How is development as freedom as outlined by Amartya Sen, possible under these circumstances? Are there capabilities that can promote prosperity, hope and re-imagined futures in our contemporary world?

  4. News and Events from the Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network (ECRPN)

    …work together during Covid-lockdown(s), continues to be open for all. Our online Co-writing space has also been used to run self-organized Pomodoro sessions. So if you are feeling isolated or lonely writing/researching, consider joining the co-writing space. This space can be initiated by anyone (no accounts or moderators needed) and you can seek fellow participants via this whatsapp group by inviting them to join you in co-writing/working. Whats…

  5. HDCA Fellows

    …adford, UK) Elizabeth Anderson (University of Michigan, USA) Kaushik Basu (World Bank, USA) Mario Biggeri (University of Florence, Italy) Alejandra Boni (Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Spain) Jean-Michel Bonvin (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Andrea Brandolini (Bank of Italy, Italy) Satya Chakravarty (ISI Kolkata, India) Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti (University of Pavia, Italy) Melis Cin (Lancaster University, UK) David Clark (University…

  6. Conference: Breaking the Rules! Energy Transitions as Social Innovations

    …The Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions is hosting an international conference entitled “*Breaking the Rules! Energy Transitions as Social Innovations* <>” that will take place on *June 14th – 15th, 2018*, at *WZB Berlin Social Science Center* <>*….

  7. Call for contributions: Breaking Boundaries – (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic – seeking indigenous voices

    Dear All, I am pleased to announce the Call for Contributions for Breaking Boundaries: (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic. The aim of this open access collection is to offer a lasting record of collective and individual accounts and counter-accounts during the pandemic and its aftermath. This is your chance to share your voice and your perspective on what happened to ensure future generations can look back and understand this exceptional peri…

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