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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Call for contributions: Breaking Boundaries – (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic – seeking indigenous voices

Dear All,

I am pleased to announce the Call for Contributions for Breaking Boundaries: (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic. The aim of this open access collection is to offer a lasting record of collective and individual accounts and counter-accounts during the pandemic and its aftermath.

This is your chance to share your voice and your perspective on what happened to ensure future generations can look back and understand this exceptional period in its fullest. We particularly hope to attract Indigenous voices.

We are accepting submissions in all forms (i.e. essays, articles, graffiti, poetry, photos, journal entries, etc.) from a variety of sources, authors, regions, and languages. If you know others who might be interested in expressing themselves through this call – whether they be artists, community leaders, academics, practitioners, activists or anyone else – please do share with them.

For more information, including instructions on uploading content and submission guidelines, please see the full Call for Contributions in English (see here), French, Spanish and Portuguese.

The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2020.

We look forward to your submission and hope you feel inspired to share this exciting, unique opportunity with your network.

Diane-Laure (on behalf of the editorial team and the Indigenous Peoples Thematic Group)

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