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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Publishing Opportunity – International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life

    …tated bibliographies of well-established measures, methods, and scales. Series Editor Graciela Tonon, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora and Universidad de Palermo, Argentina Editorial Board Alex Michalos, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada Rhonda Phillips, Purdue University, USA Don Rahtz, College of William & Mary, USA Dave Webb, University of Western Australia, Australia Wolfgang Glatzer, Goethe University, Germany Dong Jin Le…

  2. 19th Annual Labor and Employment Law Roundtable (USA)

    …ion. – What changes to expect with regard to workplace safety, hourly wages, contractors, and labor litigation – The likely Biden agenda and how the new administration will seek to affect organizing – Whether true legislative labor law reform will be possible or whether the Biden administration will need to rely on executive orders – What the Biden administration can do regarding equal employment opportunity (EEO) issues Click here for more inform…

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