…ising system. This can be found by clicking on the following link: https://www.conference-service.com/ASAUK2018/ For clarification and the convenience of our delegates we have drawn up How To guides with detailed step by step information on how to register on the system, how to submit an abstract/paper and how to submit a panel. Panel abstracts must include the names of at least two papers and their presenters. Bursaries available We have a small…
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Bhattacharya, Debarati (2019). 'Sky is the limit? - A case of Instagram women entrepreneurs of Kashmir, India' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2019, London, UK.
Call for Papers: ASAUK Biennial Conference, University of Birmingham
Call for Papers – 12th AFD International Conference on Development
…din 1968). Commons are defined on the basis of three components: a resource, a community, and a set of rights and obligations agreed upon by the community. The resource may be physical, such as pastureland managed by a community, or intangible, such as open-source software, or it can be more global in scope (healthcare, education, or climate change). Although research on commons has generated solid findings, these must be shored up and expanded. R…
Yakova, Liliya Danielova (1); Politov, Alexander (1); Gerganov, Alexander (1,2); Bogdanova, Victoria (1) (2023). 'A Path to Professional Capability: The Career Start Program in Bulgaria as a Strategy to Youth Development' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2023.
Global Dialogue Week 2023
…ble MONDAY 13TH OF NOVEMBER Session A1 6:30 – 8:00 am (UTC) Climate change, community capabilities and leadership (APRN, Edmund Rice Centre, IPTG and SHDTG) Watch the videorecording The session will start with a keynote address by Mr ‘Alopi Latukefu, Director of Edmund Rice Centre followed by a panel discussion by three Pacific leaders around the importance of local solutions and working with communities and their local knowledge systems to mee…
News and Events from the Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network (ECRPN)
…e moderated by Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti and will include, amongst others, our incoming HDCA editor, Alejandra (Sandra) Boni Aristizábal. Further details coming soon! It has also come to our attention that during this year’s HDCA conference, several summer school participants were not able to make it because their visa was not approved, or they were refused entry in other ways. For these participants, please consider jointly organizing a Work-in…
JHDC Special Issue Call for Papers – Communities and Capabilities
…is related to social support, inter-subjectivity, participation, consensus, common beliefs, joint effort aiming at a major objective and intense and extensive relationships. The beginning of this century presents us with new models of community which imply that the traditional concept has changed together with the way people participate in community spaces. Today the place of residence is not necessarily the space people identify themselves with,…
Education TG webinar on: “Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice. The Capability Approach Re-examined” – implications for education
…y take a minute or two. If you have any question, please let us know. We look forward to this webinar! Kind Regards, Frederique, Melis, Merridy and Sandra…
Latin American Network: Introduction
…LA consisten en facilitar la comunicación entre investigadores en la región, compartir información relevante, organizar eventos académicos y proporcionar diferentes tipos de oportunidades para la construcción de un espacio de discusión diverso e inclusivo centrado en temas relacionados al desarrollo humano en América Latina. Si bien recomendamos fuertemente a todos los colegas interesados en este grupo afiliarse a la HDCA, es posible ser incluido…