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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Category Archives: HDCA event/news

This is meant for events that have permission to use the HDCA logo in their promotion. In practice, this will be limited to either the HDCA conference, or events organized by one of the HDCA’s thematic groups or regional networks.

RECORDING AVAILABLE: The Capability Approach and Structural Injustice

Watch the videorecording here

June 26, 2020
Panelists: Jay Drydyk, Carleton University; Serene Khader, Brooklyn College and CUNY Graduate Center

Covid 19 has highlighted inequalities that have led to drastically different outcomes for different demographics. Some will be able to work from home, others will need to remain at work and clearly at a higher risk. In the UK people identifying as BAME have been found to be much more likely to die from the illness than their white counterparts.

In the midst of the crisis, some of the largest protests seen in the US in half a century have flared up over police violence towards black citizens. Many consider this a potential moment for change towards more just structures.

As demands for justice, and a reconstruction of social systems which are argued to reproduce injustice take place. This discussion asks how we can understand this through a capabilities lens.

HDCA Webinar: Exploring COVID from an Indigenous People perspective

Presented by the HDCA Indigenous People Thematic Group 
Friday, June 26, 2020 at 5:30 PM – 7 PM UTC+01
The indigenous experience is very different than that of the larger country where they live. Indigenous people often are marginalized, unseen, and forgotten – resulting in a very different experience of COVID than other groups. From a history of pandemics and indigenous beliefs, we will learn how COVID affects indigenous people and what it means as we explore the impact of COVID on indigenous people examining the intersection of health, well-being and sustainable development.

HDCA Webinar: Rethinking Participatory Research in the Pandemic Era

Organised by HDCA Thematic Group on Participatory Methods 

Date and time:

15th July / 10.30-12.00 ITA (CET)

Panelists: Alex A. Frediani, University College London, and Melanie Walker, University of the Free State

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the lives and livelihoods across the world and disrupted the ways in which we experience our capabilities everyday. There is a new normal emerging in all spheres of life as we endeavour on one hand to save ourselves from COVID-19, and, on the other hand, engage ourselves in activities that are both necessary and meaningful for our existence and flourishing as human beings.

In these times of the pandemic, for us as academics, researchers and practitioners who are carrying out our work using participatory approaches, the lockdowns, restrictions on travel, connectivity problems, and the declining availability of stakeholders has serious implications for the quality and the validity of the participatory inquiries and outcomes of our projects.

Through this discussion, we wish to create a collective learning space to come out with options and alternatives that could be adopted to stay true to the principles and processes of participatory research in the pandemic era. What are the frameworks within the capability approach that enable us to understand the present crisis through participatory research? What have been the lived experiences of the researchers in taking forward their participatory work? Is there scope for methodological negotiations and alternatives that could be recommended for participatory researchers to be able to do justice to their research agenda and objectives?


10:30 - Introduction by TG Coordinators (Carmen, Kanchan and Andrea)

10:40 - Panellists:   Prof. Alex A. Frediani  (UCL, UK)

Prof. Melanie Walker (UFS, South Africa)

11:40 - Collective learning space: Open discussion for all participants on challenges and solutions to apply participatory research during the pandemic



Special Panellists:


Alexandre Apsan Frediani is an Associate Professor at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit of University College London. His area of work focuses on issues around human development in cities of the global South, particularly by exploring approaches to participatory planning and design in informal settlement upgrading initiatives. He has also been conducting research and development projects focusing on the role of knowledge production and translation in advancing a more socially and environmentally just urban development. Alex has been one of the founding members of the Thematic Group on Participatory Methods of the Human Development and Capability association. In his most recent research initiatives, Alex is a co-investigator for the research projects Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality and Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate.


Professor Melanie Walker holds a PhD from the University of Cape Town and is an A-rated NRF scientist. Her research on and in South Africa is concerned conceptually, empirically and practically with social justice in higher education and society, drawing on education, sociology, philosophy and development studies, working especially with human development and Amartya Sen’s capability approach (CA), as well as Martha Nussbaum’s ‘capabilities approach’. She has held the South African Research Chair in Higher Education & Human Development at the University of the Free State since 2013. Here she directs a vibrant group of early career researchers and supervises doctoral students, building together an impressive body of capabilities-facing scholarship. This includes nine single authored monographs by past PhD students in the last few years. She has published over 200 books, book chapters and articles and presented keynotes and conference papers in the UK, Europe, Australia, USA, Canada, Latin America, Taiwan, South Korea, and South Africa.   Her latest book edited with Alejandra Boni is Participatory research, capabilities and epistemic justice. A transformative agenda for higher education and will be published by Palgrave in early 2021.

HDCA-SPONSORED WEBINAR: Capabilities and Covid-19


Tuesday, May 26, 6 PM – 8 PM UTC+01
Panelists: Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Sophie Mitra, Sridhar Venkatapuram

The Covid-19 crisis has already had devastating effects. Many have died, and it seems many more are likely to. Many others will become ill, economies have been halted, borders closed. The path forward appears difficult for both individuals and governments around the world.

For this discussion, we'll be bringing together figures from the Capability Approach field, and Fellows of the HDCA to discuss key issues, and to look at how we can understand what's taking place through a Capabilities lens.

How can we understand this in terms of Capabilities? How can a Capabilities framework help us to understand how CoVid-19 is affecting communities differently, and why? How will the Covid-19 crisis be affected by pre-existing inequalities and how will it create inequalities? During a crisis for existing economies, with ecological challenges ahead, can the Capabilities framework offer an alternative outlook as to the way forward from this crisis?

Panelist background:

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr is the Director of the Julien J. Studley Graduate Programs in International Affairs and Professor of International Affairs at The New School. Her teaching and research have focused on human rights and development, global health, and global goal setting and governance by indicators. From 1995 to 2004, she was lead author and director of the UNDP Human Development Reports. Her recent publications include: Millennium Development Goals: Ideas, Interests and Influence (Routledge 2017); Fulfilling Social and Economic Rights (with T. Lawson-Remer and S. Randolph, Oxford 2015), winner of the American Political Science Association’s 2016 Best Book in Human Rights Scholarship and the 2019 Grawemeyer Prize for Ideas to Improve the World Order.
Fukuda-Parr contributes actively to international policy and research processes. Most recent appointments include the UN Committee on Development Policy as Vice Chair, the Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Access to Medicines and Innovation, and Boards of Knowledge Ecology International and International Association for Feminist Economics. She directs the Independent Panel on Global Governance for Health at the University of Oslo, and also serves as Distinguished Fellow at the JICA Research Institute, Tokyo.
Sridhar Venkatapuram is based at the King's Global Health Institute, where he is Director of Global Health Education & Training. His academic training is in a range of disciplines, including International Relations (Brown University), Public Health (Harvard University), Sociology (Cambridge University) and Political Philosophy (Cambridge University). His doctoral dissertation on the philosophical argument for a moral/human right to 'the capability to be healthy' was examined and passed without corrections by Amartya Sen. It formed the basis of his first book, Health Justice: An argument from the capabilities approach, published in 2011 by Polity Press.
Sridhar has also been at the forefront of public/global practice and policy for over twenty years. He was a pioneer of the health and human rights movement as the first researcher at Human Rights Watch to examine HIV/AIDS and other health issues directly as human rights concerns (1992-1997).
He has worked with the Ford Foundation, Population Council, Open Societies Institute and Doctors of the World, amongst other organisations. At Harvard (1998-2000), he worked with the late Arjun Sengupta, the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development in conceptualising its philosophical and ethical framework.
Starting at the 2012 International Association of Bioethics conference in Rotterdam, Sridhar and colleagues began exploring the ethical issues relating to justice and global ageing. Recently, the World Health Organisation relied on Sridhar’s conception of health in defining health ageing for their World Report on Ageing and Health.
Sophie Mitra is Professor in the Department of Economics, co-director of the Disability Studies Program and founding director of the Research Consortium on Disability at Fordham University. Her research interests relate to disability, health, international development and social protection. She is the author of Disability, Health and Human Development (Palgrave MacMillan, 2018).
She has studied the economic impact of disability and mental illness, multidimensional poverty, the association between disability and poverty, the definition of disability. Some of her research is interdisciplinary and uses mixed and participatory methods. She has published in many peer reviewed journals in economics and interdisciplinary journals in disability policy, public health and development studies. She is a fellow of the Human Development and Capability Association, a Fordham-Columbia research fellow and an affiliate of the Columbia China Center for Social Policy.

Registration required:

Invitation to Webinar: Social innovation and climate emergency


10 June 2020

Time: 8:00-10:00 EST; 14:00-16:00 CET, 17:30-19:30 India Time 

If you had already registered for the original date, you do not need to register again!

Over the last decade social innovation served as an ambivalent buzzword: on the one hand promising more efficient solutions for social and environmental problems in times of austerity; on the other hand, opening innovation discourse to actors from civil society and politics and associated discourses such as grassroots innovation and democratic innovation. A frequent finding of emerging social innovation research: social innovation has to become more political, if the promises associated with the term are to move beyond the buzz.

More political for research means a more sustained focus on power relations and change of power relations; more political for policy-makers and funders means a greater willingness to reflect on who has a say in social innovation policy. “Climate emergency” provides an important example. Social movements and networks such as Friday for the Future and Extinction Rebellion deserve credit for a shift in public discussion from climate change to climate emergency, and with it greater recognition that only a decade is left to achieve the Paris climate goals of no more than 1,5 warming. At the same time, both are example for political networks that have long been ignored by more social business oriented research on social innovation, i.e. they tend not to be studied as social innovation.

Beyond, this political aspect there are further aspects for a deeper understanding of social innovation and climate emergency. These include technology and social innovation in green economy markets, domestic/communal provision in fields such as housing, energy and water provision, and professional provision and the emergency of new work profiles dedicated to active engagement in response to climate emergency.

This webinar brings together research on this emerging relation from establish and emerging scholars in the field. Key questions are: What are the central issues in research on this relation so far? What is the contribution of the capabilities approach and human development?

The webinar will be moderated by Anna Colom (Open University and Co-ordinator TG Technology, Innovation and Design). It will start with brief 10-15 minute inputs by Rafael Ziegler (GETIDOS, Universität Greifswald), Josephine Balzac (Rollins College), Sylvia Lorek (Sustainable Europe Research Institute) and Asanga Ranasinghe (Stampede Accelerator and Co-ordinator TG Technology, Innovation and Design). They will provide inputs on democratic protest, climate lawyering, social housing, energy and technology followed by a joint discussion.

Participants are asked to register in advance. Please send a brief email to GETIDOS ( Once registered, participants will receive further instructions on how to participate in the webinar.

The webinar is organized by TG Innovation, Technology and Design in cooperation with SERI (Sustainable Europe Research Institute).

WEBINAR: “Epistemic Injustice and the Capability Approach”

HDCA members and colleagues are kindly invited to attend a webinar organised by the two HDCA thematic groups, FICA (Foundational Issues in the Capability Approach) and the Education group on the 15th of May, 15.00 o’clock CET (3P.M. CET).

The webinar will deal with the notion of epistemic injustice developed by Miranda Fricker (2007, 2015) and its potential contribution to CA research. Providing a groundbreaking account of epistemic injustice (Catala, 2015: 425), Miranda Fricker claims that developing theoretical insights on epistemic injustice is fundamental in philosophy as epistemic injustice is the normal social baseline (Fricker, 2007: preface). Her work focuses on credibility attribution based on identity stereotypes and prejudices. More specifically, she studies how the subject’s capacity of offering the truth is influenced by credibility excess or deficit based on identity prejudices (2007). Furthermore, she considers the notion of epistemic contribution as a central human capability discussing the capacity of epistemic giving and reciprocity in the pool of shared epistemic materials (2015).

In the webinar, we will critically discuss Fricker’s contribution and explore its relevance for dealing with issues of racism, discrimination or sexism. You will easily find the chapter’s reference: Fricker, M. (2015). Epistemic contribution as a central human capability. In G. Hull (Eds). The equal society. Lanham: Lexington books.

Practicalities: One respondent will come from the FICA group, and one from the educational group. The FICA respondent will be Prof. Lori Keleher from New Mexico State University, USA; If you are interested in contributing as a respondent from the education group, please contact Frédérique Brossard Børhaug (; the response will be of maximum 10 minutes.

We recommend to read Fricker’s chapter Epistemic contribution as a central human capability. In G. Hull (ed.), The Equal Society (2015): 73-91 as preparation.

Please save the date – additional information and the link to access the webinar will be provided a few weeks before May 15th. The webinar will last for about one hour and will be recorded. You will have access to the recording after the webinar on the HDCA-website.

Please send us a quick email to register for the webinar. Frédérique Brossard Børhaug,

Frédérique Brossard Børhaug (Education coordinator) and Rebecca Gutwald (FICA coordinator)


WEBINAR: The Societal and Ethical Impact Canvas: a tool to support Responsible Innovation

HDCA’s Thematic Group ‘Technology, Innovation and Design’ invites you to a joint webinar by Marc Steen, TNO

Date: 25 March 2019, 16:00 CET/Amsterdam (= 15:00 GMT/London; 20:30 IST/Delhi; 11:00 EDT).

Marc Steen will present a tool that can help to promote and support Responsible Innovation in organizations and companies: the ‘Societal and Ethical Impact Canvas’.  The Canvas is a variation on the Business Model Generation Canvas, inspired by the Capability Approach. The Societal and Ethical Impact Canvas It is a template to help structure discussions, for example during a workshop. It is meant to support people who work in an innovation or design project to reflect critically and generate clarity on two issues: 1) the impact which they aim to make in society with their project, both intended, positive impacts, and unintended, negative impacts; and 2) the partners they need in order to realize this impact, and the stakeholders they need to involve.

These two issues often remain implicit and are therefore not always critically examined. The Canvas is inspired by the Capability Approach: it views technologies as means towards human flourishing; and it focuses on involving societal stakeholders during the innovation process. The Canvas is meant as an antidote to technology-push. The tool was developed in the JERRI project (; funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program), which aims to support organizations in organizing (and institutionalizing) Responsible Innovation.

Speaker’s bio: Marc Steen works as a senior research scientist at TNO, an organization for applied scientific research and innovation in The Netherlands. He earned MSc, PDEng and PhD degrees in Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. He is an expert in Human-Centred Design, Open Innovation, Responsible Innovation, and Applied Ethics in Big data and Algorithms. His mission is to help organizations and companies to use technologies in ways that help to create a just society and to promote people's flourishing.

The webinar will be moderated by Rafael Ziegler.

Participants are asked to register in advance. Please send a brief email to Marc Stehen ( Once registered, participants will receive further instructions on how to participate in the webinar.



Extensión de Fecha Límite: VII CONFERENCIA ALCADECA

“Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano en Contextos de Desigualdad”
Mayo 29-31, 2019
Universidad de las Américas Puebla, México Puebla, México 

Se extiende la fecha límite para enviar propuestas al 21 de Diciembre 2018
Favor de enviar sus propuestas a:

Los organizadores de la VII conferencia de la Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe para el Desarrollo Humano y el Enfoque de las Capacidades (ALCADECA) convoca a investigadores, expertos de política pública, profesionales del sector público y la sociedad civil, y estudiantes de posgrado de cualquier país a enviar propuestas de ponencias para la conferencia titulada “Políticas públicas para el desarrollo humano en contextos de desigualdad”. La conferencia se realizará los días 29, 30 y 31 de mayo del 2019 en la Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), ubicada en San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, México. Ediciones anteriores de esta conferencia se han realizado en Ciudad de México, México (2006); Montevideo, Uruguay (2008); Porto Alegre, Brasil (2010); Lomas de Zamora, Argentina (2012); Lima, Perú (2014); Montevideo, Uruguay (2016).

El tema principal de la conferencia es examinar la contribución del enfoque de las capacidades y desarrollo humano en la consecución de políticas públicas efectivas para promover el bienestar de las personas y la protección del medio ambiente, considerando los altos niveles de desigualdad en América Latina y el Caribe.

El enfoque del desarrollo humano y de las capacidades (ver para referencias clave) ha jugado un papel central en vislumbrar – de manera teórica y práctica – las deficiencias de una concepción de desarrollo que prioriza el acceso a recursos monetarios por encima de otros aspectos clave para ampliar las oportunidades de las personas para vivir bien. Sumando al esfuerzo de muchos otros, este enfoque ha contribuido a que más gobiernos adopten una visión de desarrollo que pone en el centro a la persona y su bienestar, así como el uso de indicadores multidimensionales para evaluar las realidades sociales de la región, y para diseñar y monitorear políticas públicas. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos avances en materia política, los resultados de la mayoría de los países en términos de desarrollo humano siguen siendo poco alentadores. Tanto la pobreza como la desigualdad han mostrado ser resistentes al crecimiento económico en la región y a las mejoras que se han logrado en términos de educación, vivienda y salud en los sectores más marginados. Así pues, América Latina se mantiene como una de las regiones más desiguales del mundo, no sólo en lo económico, sino en una gran variedad de dimensiones.

Millones de personas siguen sufriendo día a día de exclusión, discriminación, estigmatización por raza, etnia, color de piel, identidad y género, así como de pronunciadas desigualdades en el acceso a servicios de calidad y en el ejercicio del poder. Estas realidades y sus consecuencias negativas - por ejemplo, en la pérdida de cohesión social y los altos niveles de violencia –, sugieren que es necesario poner un mayor énfasis en las causas estructurales y relacionales de dichas desigualdades. Por lo tanto, esta conferencia invita a examinar hasta qué punto el enfoque del desarrollo humano y de las capacidades puede atender estos desafíos en la práctica. Específicamente, se busca analizar de qué manera este enfoque puede guiar el diseño e implementación de políticas públicas capaces de hacer frente a las injusticias económicas, políticas, sociales y culturales que caracterizan a nuestra región.

Algunas de las preguntas clave que esta conferencia pretende explorar son las siguientes:

- ¿Qué concepciones de libertad y bienestar son más adecuadas para orientar las políticas de desarrollo en el contexto latinoamericano?

- ¿Cuál es la mejor forma de conceptualizar las nociones de capacidades y agencia para el diseño de políticas públicas que atiendan desigualdades (de ingreso, de bienes, de oportunidades, de trato, poder, participación social)?

- ¿Desigualdad de qué? ¿Cuáles son las desigualdades relevantes que deben ser combatidas para lograr el desarrollo humano?

- ¿Qué consecuencias tiene la desigualdad para el desarrollo humano? ¿Cómo interactúan entre sí las múltiples desigualdades?

- ¿Qué políticas públicas y programas sociales promueven mejor el desarrollo humano en contextos de desigualdad política, social, económica y cultural como en América Latina?

- ¿De qué manera las metodologías e indicadores de desarrollo dan forma al tipo de políticas públicas que se diseñan y cuáles son sus implicaciones?

- De qué manera el contexto político e institucional de América Latina limita la traducción práctica del desarrollo humano para el diseño y evaluación de políticas públicas?

Las ponencias pueden examinar estos temas - y otros afines - desde diferentes perspectivas metodológicas, argumentos filosóficos, análisis empíricos, evaluaciones de políticas públicas, experiencias de implementación o estrategias de acción. También son bienvenidas propuestas para organizar paneles temáticos basados en proyectos o trabajos de campo realizados recientemente.

Además del tema central de la reunión, son bienvenidos artículos que discutan temas relacionados, siempre y cuando establezcan un diálogo crítico con el enfoque de las capacidades y el desarrollo humano. Algunos temas relevantes son:

• Desarrollo y derechos humanos

• Desigualdad, pobreza multidimensional y desarrollo humano

• La política de reconocimiento

• Justicia distributiva y ciudadanía

• Corrupción, impunidad, ética y desarrollo humano

• Urbanización y agencia

• Identidad y agencia

• Sociedad civil y Estado

• Ética y mercado

• Democracia

• Bienestar subjetivo y felicidad

• Estado, economía política y preferencias por la redistribución

Proceso de aplicación:

Cierre de recepción de resúmenes: 21 de Diciembre 2018

Favor de mandar sus propuestas al correo:

Incluyendo la siguiente información:

  • Nombre
  • Afiliación institucional
  • Información de contacto
  • Biografía del autor/a: no mayor a 100 palabras
  • Resumen (Abstract y palabras clave): no mayor a 300 palabras. Por favor, incluir en el abstract una explicación del tema de investigación y su relación con el enfoque de capacidades y desarrollo humano, la metodología de la investigación y las palabras clave.


Aunque el idioma oficial de la conferencia será el español, podrán ser sometidos trabajos en los idiomas portugués e inglés. Las presentaciones podrán ser en estos idiomas si hay voluntarios disponibles para realizar traducciones informales.

Comité Organizador:

• Oscar Garza (UDLAP, México)

• Viviana Ramírez (UDLAP, México)

• Teresa Herrera-Nebel (UPAEP)

Comité Académico:

• Javier Iguiñiz

• Graciela Tonon

• Andrea Vigorito

• Izete Pengo Bagolin

• Silvana Vargas

• Séverine Deneulin

HDCA WEBINAR: Work in progress on developing measures using the CA

Presented by the HDCA’s Graduate Students’ Network

Friday, 14th December at 1600 UK time 

Please email to register your interest to attend, and the GoToMeeting joining link will be sent a few days in advance.

Three current graduate students will give short presentations on their ongoing work in this area, for 8 minutes each followed by 2 minutes for Q&A. They will end by stating 2-3 areas they are looking for help/ideas from the group (on possible approaches to problems, things to read etc.).

That should leave us c.30mins for broader discussion, where other students can also ask for advice about their own work on capability-based measures. The idea is to have a collaborative open discussion on work in progress, rather than present results.

1.      Mateus Humberto – “Measuring the CA concepts into the domain of urban mobility: capabilities, functionings and agencies in accessing schools in São Paulo”
2.      Amanda Hutcherson – “The Impact of birth supporter training on volunteer capability to undertake further study or employment.”
3.      Ian Ross – “Sanitation-related Quality of Life (SanQoL) – a capability-based outcome measure for improving economic evaluation of sanitation programmes”

Workshop: Foundational Issues of the Capability Approach

March 6-7, 2019

The Centre for Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy at KU Leuven, in collaboration with the Foundational Issues in the Capability Approach thematic group of the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA), cordially invite you to attend a two-day workshop on Foundational Issues of the Capability Approach. The workshop will be held at the Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven on March 6-7, 2019, and include a keynote address by Prof. Ingrid Robeyns (Utrecht University) on ‘The capability approach and non-Western world views’.

The last decades have seen a proliferation in the use of the capability approach as a method for evaluating and conceptualising human development, inequality and social justice. The capability approach, as developed initially by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, is meant as an alternative to utility, income and resource metrics to evaluate what individuals are able to do, and the kind of persons they are able to be. By reframing the analysis of an individual’s social position from the instruments (income, resources) which allow her to flourish, to a focus on the actual opportunities available to her, and her actual use of these opportunities, the capability approach expands the evaluative space for theories of inequality and justice, poverty indexes and social and development policies on health, education, or women empowerment, among many other fields.

Despite being a leading method for the normative evaluation of inequality and justice, many issues and questions regarding the definition of the capability approach and of its fundamental concepts are still open. In her most recent book, Well-being, Freedom, and Social Justice (Open Access Publishers, 2018), Ingrid Robeyns addresses these gaps through a dissection of the basic commitments of a capability theorist, a novel proposal for conceptualising the capability approach methodologically (the Modular Structure), and clarifying the use of fundamental concepts such as ‘freedom’, ‘well-being’, or ‘capabilities’ and ‘functionings’.

This workshop aims to further the discussion on the fundamental normative and conceptual issues that derive from the use of the capability approach, including the value of freedom in the capability approach, how to conceptualise the concepts of capabilities and functionings, the role of Sen’s notion of positional objectivity in justifying capabilities, and the particular applicability of the approach in various questions of social justice. The workshop will feature ten presentations by prominent capability scholars from Belgium and the Netherlands:

Keynote: Ingrid Robeyns (Utrecht)

Charlotte Vyt (UNamur)

Constanze Binder (EU Rotterdam)

Katarina Pitasse Fragoso (UCLouvain)

Danielle Zwarthoed (UCLouvain)

Matthias Kramm (Utrecht)

Morten Fibieger Byskov (Warwick)

Nicolás Brando (KU Leuven)

Pamela Joy Capistrano (Visiting at UNamur)

Stéphane Leyens (UNamur)

Attendance, including coffee/tea and lunch, is free of charge but registration is necessary. To register for the workshop, send an email to Nicolás Brando ( before Sunday 24 February 2019. A detailed programme will be distributed to attendees closer to the workshop date.


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