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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Category Archives: External / non-HDCA event/news

ISTAS 2015 – with Technology & Development track

The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (IEEE ISTAS 2015), the annual flagship event of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT), will be held in Dublin, Ireland from 11-12 November 2015. IEEE ISTAS 2015 provides a multi-disciplinary forum for engineers, entrepreneurs, philosophers, policy makers, researchers, social scientists, technologists and polymaths to collaborate, exchange experiences and discuss the implications of achieving the Knowledge Society in developed and developing countries.

As 2015 is European Year for Development, ISTAS 2015 places a strong emphasis on the role and responsibilities associated with 'technology in development', especially in agriculture and food security, education, energy, environment and healthcare. Submissions focused on economic, ethical, socio-cultural and sustainability issues associated with amongst others technology and development (this includes humanitarian engineering, ICT4D, impact of collaborative open innovation, alignment with public policy) are very welcome. A submission can be either a paper or a workshop/panel proposal.

The deadline for submissions  is 31 March 2015. More information can be found at

Summer School “Methodologies for Impact Evaluation”

We are pleased to announce that the first edition of the ARCO Lab Summer School on Methodologies for Impact Evaluation will be held in Florence on the 17th-19th June 2015.

The summer school is directed to consultants, doctoral and post doctoral students, academics, as well as anyone interested in methods used in evidence-based policy making.

Prof. Donald B. Rubin and Prof. Fabrizia Mealli will be among the instructors of the summer school. Participants will have the opportunity to appraise cutting-edge methodologies directly from some of the scholars who are currently setting the methodological frontier.

The school will also be a valuable opportunity for networking with other impact evaluation professionals coming from diverse fields while enjoying the beauty of Florence.

To know more about the summer school

For any information please write to .

Conference- Absolute Poverty in Europe


Absolute Poverty in Europe Salzburg, August 27 & 28, 2015

Keynote Speakers: David Hulme (Manchester) Robert Walker (Oxford)

We invite papers that contribute to an elaborated understanding of severe, extreme or absolute poverty in Europe. Papers should address the specific situations and challenges of groups endangered by absolute poverty such as undocumented refugees, migrant beggars, homeless people, street children or discuss evils related to severe poverty (malnutrition, physical and mental illness, stigma, isolation, etc.). We encourage papers from scholars with backgrounds in the humanities or the social sciences, as well as from practitioners.

Furthermore, we particularly welcome papers approaching the normative and political implications of absolute poverty in Europe and its alleviation.  There also will be a special stream on the practice of poverty alleviation in Europe together with the European Office of Red Cross International.

Please send your proposal (250 words) as a word file to until February 28, 2015. We are also happy to receive proposals for thematic panels, consisting of three papers.

The conference fee is 150 Euros (75 Euros for students) and covers the conference folder, coffee breaks, two lunches, the reception, the conference dinner and a guided city tour.

This conference is an activity of the Austrian chapter of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP).  Find more information on the project homepage:

About the Keynote Speakers:

David Hulme is Professor and at the Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester. He is also Director of the Brooks World Poverty Institute, and CEO of both the Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre and the Brazil in Africa Research Programme. Previously, he was Head of Institute of Development Policy and Management (IDPM) (2010-2013) and Associate Director Chronic Poverty Research Centre (2005-2010), where he founded The Global Poverty Research Group. David recently published the book "Global Poverty: How Global Governance is Failing the Poor" (Routledge 2010).

Robert Walker is Professor for Social Policy and currently Deputy Head of Department of Social Policy at Oxford University. He is a Research Affiliate of the National Poverty Centre, University of Michigan and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He was a Member of the statutory UK Social Security Advisory Committee for 10 years until 2012 and chaired the Academic Advisory Committee during the design and launch of the ESRC UK Household Longitudinal Study. He is currently a member of the Expert Advisory Group for the evaluation of Universal Credit. In 2014 he published the book "The Shame of Poverty: global perspectives" (Oxford University Pres).




Two Important Events in New York

Evening of November 5th at The New School
(available by live streaming)

Lunchtime of November 6th at UNICEF HQ
For more information or to RSVP please contact: Sarah Friedman or Carolyn Douglas

First Event:
Wednesday Evening, November 5, 2014, 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.
Registration starts at 5:45 P.M.
Orozco Room, The New School, 66 West 12 Street, 7th Floor, New York NY 


Advancing Equity for Children: Perspectives from the “Young Lives Study”

On November 5, Equity for Children will host the U.S. launch of the latest findings from Young Lives, the University of Oxford program’s longitudinal study of childhood poverty, which will be followed by an active panel discussion with top speakers from UNICEF, UNDP and the NYC housing and community project, Comunilife. The Young Lives team will share their perspectives on how best to strengthen policies that help children living in poverty, based on the evidence from four stages of the Young Lives study and in view of socio-political trends and challenges.

Young Lives Presenters:
Ginny Morrow, Senior Researcher of Young Lives, University of Oxford
Paul Dornan, Senior Policy Officer of Young Lives, University of Oxford

Alberto Minujin, Executive Director,Equity for Children (Moderator)
Nick Alipui, Senior Advisor on Post 2015 Millennium Development Goals, UNICEF
Selim Jahan, Director of Human Development Report, UNDP
Rosa Gil, President and CEO of Comunilife

Please click here for the agenda and concept note.

Second Event:
Thursday Lunchtime, November 6, 2014, 12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Danny Kaye, UNICEF house, 3 United Nations Plaza, New York NY


Young Lives and UNICEF Present:
Growing Up in Poverty

Virginia Morrow, Deputy Director of Young Lives
Paul Dornan, Senior Policy Officer of Young Lives

Moderated by:
Alexandra Yuster, Associate Director, Social Inclusion. UNICEF Programme Division

Learn about the latest findings from the study with evidence on stunting; water and sanitation; inequalities in school access and learning outcomes; child protection; and links to social protection.

Young Lives is based at the University of Oxford and is a unique longitudinal study aiming to understand how poverty affects children and how inequalities develop through childhood into adult life.  Young Lives follows 12,000 children from Peru, Vietnam, Ethiopia and the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh in India. The study has followed two groups of children, an older group born in the mid-1990s and a younger group born just after 2000. The older children are now in early adulthood and the presentations will explore their family formation and parenthood, education, training and work. The younger group were aged around 12 when last visited, and the presentation will explore their schooling, learning, and nutritional outcomes. Water, sanitation and social protection services are considered across all children.

Design & Engineering for Wellbeing/Agency/Justice

20 - 21 November 2014
Delft, The Netherlands

Organizers: Ilse Oosterlaken & Annemarie Mink

Many people, especially in the global South, still lack the opportunities to do and be what they have reason to value, to lead a flourishing human life. New technologies, products and services can play a significant role in improving this situation, but may also fail to do so or worse; have negative side effects.

This event will critically reflect on engineering/design for development, but also look into concrete methods and approaches to effectuate positive change in practice, and in educating engineers/designers as future practitioners. It will do so from the perspective of three key values: well-being, agency and justice. The capability approach will be a key point of reference for about half of the contributions to this event.

The event consists of two parts:

  • DAY 1, November 20 - Academic papers (for researchers)
  • DAY 2, November 21 - Short workshops (public)

The workshop day is open to anybody working on or engaging with engineering/design for development & agency/well-being/justice. Whether you are a researcher, student, policy maker or practitioner, you are welcome to register for one or more workshops on Friday November 21!

For more information, the full program and how to register see

The deadline for registration is 13 November 2014. The costs of participation are 15 euro per day. This includes lunch.

JHDC Special Issue on Health and Disability – Call for Papers

The Journal of Human Development and Capabilities announces a special issue on Health and Disability, with guest editors Jennifer Prah Ruger and Sophie Mitra. The call for papers is attached here.
For inquiries, please contact Sophie Mitra ( or Jennifer Prah Ruger (

The Deadline for submissions has been extended to December 31, 2014.

Free Workshop – The Capabilities Approach & Law

A workshop organised by Law & Social Justice

University of Leeds

9th July 2014. The Moot Court - The Liberty Building

The Capabilities Approach proposed by Amartya Sen and others, notably Martha Nussbaum, is recognised as the most comprehensive normative language that we have for developing social interventions aimed at improving people's lives. It has as its central characteristic a focus on what people are effectively able to be and do. It is argued that well-being and justice are best conceptualised in terms of people's effective opportunities to undertake the activities that they want to engage in, and be whom they want to be. The approach has been highly influential in low income countries as a means of measuring and promoting development. In the last decade scholars have begun to explore its relevance to issues facing high income countries. However, whilst prominent in development studies, economics, philosophy, and health sciences, amongst other disciplines, legal scholars have been tentative in exploring the utility of this theoretical framework, notwithstanding the significance of law's potential role in social change agendas. Challenging law's reticence, this workshop brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars with the aim of assessing and exploring the utility of the approach across different areas of law and policy.

The full programme is available at:

It is free to attend but places are limited. Please reserve your place by emailing Michael Thomson:

Workshop: Advances in stochastic dominance for welfare analysis

The seminal contributions of Kolm and Atkinson showed four decades ago how the use of stochastic dominance (SD) could help understand and compare distributions of welfare. Initially used in economics for the analysis of choice in risky environments, SD has proved to be particularly useful in those contexts in which it is difficult to agree on the measurement either of individual or of social welfare. The literature subsequent to Kolm's and Atkinson's contributions has substantially broadened the applicability of SD from inequality to social welfare, progressivity, vertical equity, poverty, horizontal equity, segregation, mobility, pro-poorness and polarization. The set of distributions of interest has also broadened; the focus now bridges both distributions of monetary indicators of welfare and multivariate distributions of quantitative and qualitative variables, with particular relevance to the study of developing countries.

In spite of its relevance and of the significant number of related publications, the approach is nevertheless only rarely used outside academia, although it may be of considerable advantage for the design of policy.

The main objective of this workshop is to review the current state of the art with respect to the use of SD techniques within the field of economic wellbeing and to shed light on recent theoretical and empirical advances using these techniques. The workshop will also provide an opportunity to discuss how the use of SD techniques can be promoted outside academia, in particular for the design of development policy.

Papers linking research and policy are particularly welcome.

Keynote speakers:

James Foster (Institute for International Economic Policy, George Washington University),

Alain Trannoy (EHESS and Aix-Marseille School of Economics).


Submission process:

Submissions of complete papers, in pdf format, are expected by July 1st, 2014. Submissions should be sent to Kelly Labart at Acceptance notes with detailed information will be sent by July 20, 2014.


Participation expenses (including travel expenses and accommodation) at the workshop will be covered for those invited to present papers. Travel expenses and accommodation shall be borne by other participants.

The workshop will be held at the Ecole d'Economie of the University of Auvergne and Ferdi. Presenters will be asked to comment on one of the other papers.

The workshop is organized as part of FERDI's program on Innovative Development Indicators. It will be preceded by a half day conference in Paris on September 17 where new indicators of welfare will be discussed. For additional information about this conference, please contact Kelly Labart at

Scientific committee: Gordon Anderson (University of Toronto), Conchita d'Ambrosio (INSIDE, University of Luxembourg), Florent Bresson (CERDI, University of Auvergne), Vianney Dequiedt (CERDI, University of Auvergne), Jean-Yves Duclos (CIRPEE, Laval University and Ferdi), Gaston Yalonetzky (University of Leeds)

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