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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred


Tag Archives: evaluation

Summer School “Methodologies for Impact Evaluation”

We are pleased to announce that the first edition of the ARCO Lab Summer School on Methodologies for Impact Evaluation will be held in Florence on the 17th-19th June 2015.

The summer school is directed to consultants, doctoral and post doctoral students, academics, as well as anyone interested in methods used in evidence-based policy making.

Prof. Donald B. Rubin and Prof. Fabrizia Mealli will be among the instructors of the summer school. Participants will have the opportunity to appraise cutting-edge methodologies directly from some of the scholars who are currently setting the methodological frontier.

The school will also be a valuable opportunity for networking with other impact evaluation professionals coming from diverse fields while enjoying the beauty of Florence.

To know more about the summer school

For any information please write to .

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