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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Category Archives: External / non-HDCA event/news

Call for Papers: Workshop on Gender and Poverty

Date: 27 & 28 June 2019
Venue: University of Salzburg
Extended submission deadline: 20 January 2019

The Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR) of the University of
Salzburg is happy to announce the call for papers for its 2019
Salzburg Workshop in Philosophy and Poverty. The workshop will be held
at the University of Salzburg on 27 & 28 June 2019 and focus on the
topic of "Gender and Poverty".

There is no conference fee. Coffee breaks and two lunches will be
covered by the CEPR. Due to additional external funding the CEPR can
now offer to pay for two nights of accommodation in Salzburg.
Unfortunately we cannot offer any subsidy for travel costs.

The invited speaker for this workshop is Serene J. Khader (Brooklyn
College & CUNY Graduate Center).

We invite scholars at all career stages to submit papers related to
the workshop topic of "Gender and Poverty". Possible topics for papers
are, among others, the "feminization" of (global) poverty; gender
roles, norms and practices and how they relate to poverty; the
intersection of disadvantages based, among others, on race, gender,
sex, health, age, and disability; the nexus of education, gender and
poverty; the relation of (sexual) violence and poverty; patriarchy and
poverty; sexuality, procreation and poverty; anti-poverty policies and
gender; the blaming and shaming of poor mothers as "bad" mothers; the
"black box" of the household in poverty concepts and research;
gender-sensitive poverty research and measurement; gender and the
socio-spatiality of poverty (e.g. rural, urban).

The workshop will run over two days and each speaker will be given a
slot of 75 minutes (about 25 minutes for presentation and 50 minutes
for discussion). Draft papers are shared in advance and speakers can
focus on the key points of their papers in the oral presentation.

Selected papers will be published a volume on the workshop topic in
the Springer Book Series Philosophy and Poverty.

If you are interested in participating please submit an extended
abstract of 750 words ready for blind review viathe  submission form
on the workshop website
( Deadline for
submissions is January 20, and decisions will be communicated
within four weeks. It is expected that draft versions of the papers
are shared two weeks before the workshop.

EUROMOD training course, 20-22 March 2019

The next training course providing a hands-on introduction to the use of EUROMOD will be held in ISER, Essex University on 20-22 March 2019. The closing date for applications is 13 January 2019.

The aim of the course is to provide academics, policy practitioners and other interested users with an introduction to the concepts, structure and functioning of EUROMOD. EUROMOD is a state-of-the art tax-benefit microsimulation model linking micro-data from household surveys and policy legislation in a single user interface. It allows for complex policy impact analysis, such as evaluations of policy reforms in terms of poverty, inequality, work incentives and government budgets, assessments of EU-wide policies or estimation of the impact of changing population characteristics on the redistributive effect of existing policies. EUROMOD covers all 28 EU Member States.

The course will cover the basics of tax-benefit microsimulation, the logic and structure behind EUROMOD, working with EUROMOD’s user interface, input data, EUROMOD’s modelling ‘language’ and using documentation. The course combines lectures with live demonstrations of the model. Participants also have the opportunity to carry out a number of hands-on exercises to test and refine their understanding of the model.

If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please complete this application form:

The closing date for applications is 13 January 2019. All candidates will be informed whether their applications have been accepted by 24 January 2019.

Start and finish date :
20 Mar 2019 - 9:30am to 22 Mar 2019 - 5:30pm
Venue: ISER, Essex University

Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex, UK, CO4 3SQ,, Telephone: +44 (0)1206 872957.

Call for Papers – 11th International Social Innovation Research Conference 2019

Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th September 2019

Hosted by The Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health, Glasgow Caledonian University: The deadline for abstract submissions is February 28, 2019. The sustainability and social innovation stream specifically welcomes capability approach contributions.

Indicative deadlines:
Call for papers: Open now
Registration: Open now
Abstract and panel proposal submission: 28th February 2019
Decision on submissions: 31st March 2019
Full papers submitted for consideration in best paper awards due: 31st July 2019

10th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST) – CfP Deadline Dec. 21

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA) at Carleton University from June 23rd to the 26th, 2019: Please note: The deadline for abstracts is Friday, December 21.

Accelerating sustainability transitions

Building visions, unlocking pathways, navigating conflicts

Over the past few decades the damage being done to global ecosystems by established development trajectories has become increasingly evident. In many sectors and regions sustainability transitions are gathering pace as new technologies, business models and social practices begin to transform existing systems of social provisioning. Yet the current political context is difficult. And in some areas there is increasing resistance to transformative change that promotes sustainability. Above all, progress remains slow when compared to the scale of damage being done to ecosystems and the climate.

The theme of IST 2019 – Accelerating sustainability transitions – seeks to address this challenging context by encouraging researchers and practitioners to examine obstacles to transitions processes and strategies to speed up the transformation of systems of production and consumption. It points to the importance of visions — of improved mobility systems, agricultural and food systems, buildings, cities and rural communities – to coordinate efforts and mobilize change. Raises the challenge of mapping out concrete pathways that can link the present with desirable futures. And emphasises navigation of the inevitable conflicts that accompany any serious efforts at societal change.

This 10th Anniversary event will mark the first time the IST conference has been held outside Europe. It will provide an occasion to highlight the achievements of international transition studies, to introduce researchers who are not yet familiar with transitions literatures to this vibrant community, and to explore complementarities with related research perspectives and approaches.

We look forward to welcoming you in Ottawa in June 2019.


Call for Papers: XVII Biennial IASC Conference ‘In Defense of the Commons: Challenges, Innovation, and Action’

The local organizers of the XVIIth Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons welcome abstracts for papers, panels, videos, and posters to be presented at this conference, to be held in Lima, Peru, from 1 to 5 July 2019. The meeting will be held in the PUCP’s Lima campus and will be hosted by both PUCP’s Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Department of Economics of the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia). Extended deadline for submission of abstracts: December 1, 2018

Download the Call for Papers here

With the theme of the conference, ‘In Defense of the Commons: Challenges, Innovation and Action’, we intend to provide scholars, practitioners, and policy makers with a forum to debate the contemporary role of the commons in a globalized word.  Analyzing issues such as climate change, ecosystem resilience, and sustainability through application of commons theory offers potential for finding alternative solutions.  In light of growing economic and power inequalities, gender imbalances, and impending scarcity, there is a need to find ways to address these pressing challenges occurring around the globe.

Social Fest

6 au 11 novembre à Paris
Entrée libre et gratuite / Ateliers sur inscriptions / Téléchargez le programme

Cet événement est organisé par Kawaa avec plus de 50 partenaires et sous le haut patronage du Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire.

La première édition porte sur la thématique du mieux-vivre et se décline pendant 4 soirées et un week-end.

Pour découvrir l’ensemble de la programmation, c'est par ici !

C’est un événement convivial dans un lieu inspirant, n’hésitez pas à venir avec des amis et/ou en famille notamment le week-end (les enfants et grands parents sont les bienvenus)


This event is organized by Kawaa with over 50 partners and under the patronage of the Ministry of ecology and solidarity transition.

The first edition focuses on the theme of better living and is available for 4 nights and weekends.

To discover all of the programming click here!It is a friendly event in an inspiring place. Feel free to bring friends and / or family especially on weekends (children and grandparents are welcome)

The entry is free (the workshops are for subscribers).


Martedì 13 novembre 2018, dalle ore 09:30 alle ore 17:30, si terrà il Seminario Nazionale "Attualità del Capability Approach in Europa e scenari della sostenibilità" presso l'Aula Nuova (I piano) del Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università degli Studi Roma TRE, sita in via del Castro Pretorio 20 - Roma.

Il Seminario è stato realizzato in collaborazione con in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università degli Studi Roma TRE, la Società Italiana di Pedagogia (SIPED), la Società Italiana di Ricerca Educativa e Formativa (SIREF), l’Alleanza Italiana per lo sviluppo sostenibile (ASVIS) e con il sostegno del Network di Lavoro “Dimensioni pedagogiche e formative del Capability Approach” e del Dottorato di Ricerca “Teoria e Ricerca Educativa e Sociale Applicata” (Roma TRE).

Si prega di trasmettere la richiesta di iscrizioni all'indirizzo mail:

Call for Papers: VII Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Association for Human Development and the Capabilities Approach (ALCADECA)

“Public policies for human development in the context of inequality”
May 29-31, 2019
Universidad de las Américas Puebla, México
Puebla, Mexico

Download the Call for Papers here (English and Spanish)

The organisers of the VII conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Association for Human Developmentand the Capabilities Approach (ALCADECA) invite researchers, policy experts, practitioners and postgraduate students of any country to send their abstract proposals for the conference titled “Public policies for human development in the context of inequality”.

The conference will take place on the 29, 30 and 31 of May 2019 at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), located in San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. Previous editions of the conference have taken place in Mexico City, Mexico (2006); Montevideo, Uruguay (2008); Porto Alegre, Brazil (2010); Lomas de Zamora, Argentina (2012); Lima, Peru (2014); Montevideo, Uruguay (2016).

The main theme of the conference is examining the contribution of the capability and human development approach in procuring public policies that effectively promote people’s wellbeing and the protection of the environment, given the high levels of inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The human development and capability approach (see has played a central role in revealing – theoretically and practically – the deficiencies of a conception of development that gives priority to the access to economic resources over other aspects that are important for the expansion of people’s opportunities to live a good life. In conjunction with others, this approach has contributed to the increased adoption by governments of a view of development that places people and their wellbeing at the centre, as well as the use of multidimensional indicators to assess the social realities of the region and to design and monitor public policies.

However, despite these political advancements, the results of most countries in terms of human development remain insufficient. The levels of poverty and inequality have been resistant to the economic growth of the region and to the achievements reached in terms of education, health and housing for the most marginalised sectors of society. As such, Latin America remains as one of the most unequal regions in the world, not only in economic terms, but in a variety of dimensions. Millions of people continue to suffer daily from social exclusion, discrimination, and stigmatization in terms of race, ethnicity, skin colour, identity and gender, as well as from deep inequalities in the access to quality services and in the exercise of power.

These realities and their negative consequences – for example, in the loss of social cohesion and the high levels of violence –, suggest that it is necessary to place greater emphasis on the structural and relational causes of such inequalities. Hence, this conference invites to examine the extent to which the human development and the capability approach can address these challenges in practice. Particularly, it seeks to analyse how the approach can guide the design and implementation of policies capable of tackling the economic, political, social and cultural injustices that characterise our region.

The papers can examine any topic within this theme from different disciplines, methodological perspectives, philosophical arguments, empirical analyses, policy evaluations, or implementation strategies. Proposals to organise thematic panels based on recent projects or fieldwork results are also welcome.

In addition to the central theme of the conference, papers discussing related topics are also welcome as long as they establish a critical dialogue with the human development and capability approach. Related themes include:

• Human rights and human development

• Inequality, multidimensional poverty and human development

• The politics of recognition

• Distributive justice and citizenship

• Corruption, impunity, ethics and human development

• Urbanization and agency

• Identity and agency

• Civil society and the State

• Ethics and the market

• Democracy

• State, political economy and preferences for redistribution

• Subjective wellbeing and happiness

Registration process:

Abstract submission deadline: 3 of December 2018

Please send your abstracts to:

Include the following information:

  • Name
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Contact information
  • Authors biography: no longer than 100 words
  • Abstract and key words: no longer than 300 words. Please include in the abstract an explanation of the research theme and its relation to the human development and capabilities approach.

For more information about the registration to the conference and costs, please visit the website of the event (under construction):

Organising Committee:

• Oscar Garza (UDLAP, México)

• Viviana Ramírez (UDLAP, México)

Academic Committee:

• Javier Iguiñiz

• Graciela Tonon

• Andrea Vigorito

• Izete Pengo Bagolin

• Silvana Vargas

• Séverine Deneulin

Convocatoria para ponencias / Call for Papers: Operacionalización del bien común / Operationalizing the Common Good (Puebla, Mexico)

February 13 –14, 2019
Centro de Vinculación, UPAEP, Puebla, México
Fecha límite de envío/Submission Deadline: 30 November, 2018
Respuestas/Notifications: 15 December 2018
ENVIAR A/Submit at:
Download the Call for Papers here (in Spanish and English)

Creado el pasado año por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), el Instituto Promotor del Bien Común (IPBC) es un Centro Universitario comprometido con la investigación y la operacionalización de la noción del Bien Común en nuestra sociedad. El bien común fue alguna vez una noción práctica, en su mayoría, que se empleaba para describir y normar a las instituciones económicas y políticas. Progresivamente abandonado durante el siglo pasado, nuevamente ha atraído el interés de los politólogos, abogados y economistas, especialmente como una forma de superar algunas de las deficiencias del liberalismo político y económico. El objetivo del IPBC es dar a esta noción clave, un significado concreto y práctico para que pueda volver a ser operativo: un medio para buscar un futuro común, una herramienta para medir la práctica del desarrollo, así como para redactar y evaluar políticas públicas específicas.

Con este fin y bajo la dirección del IPBC, un grupo de más de 20 investigadores internacionales, ha desarrollado durante el último año una métrica de la dinámica del bien común.

Con ella esperamos evaluar las características claves necesarias para el surgimiento de una buena dinámica del bien común en una sociedad o institución.

El Congreso será la ocasión para presentar a un público extenso el modelo de esta métrica y reunir a los investigadores que trabajan en la noción del bien común, particularmente en el campo de la aplicación y las mediciones. Para este fin, estamos buscando documentos que investiguen uno o varios de los siguientes temas:

  • Interpretaciones contemporáneas del bien común.
  • Aplicaciones de un enfoque de bien común para los problemas de desarrollo, especialmente con respecto a los países emergentes.
  • Medición de "bienes", "bienes comunes" o "la dinámica del bien común".

Costo: 200 USD

Incluye alojamiento por 3 noches, comidas y acceso al Congreso

Sesión introductoria

El IPBC organizará el martes 12 de febrero del 2019 medio día de capacitación intensiva sobre el concepto y la métrica del bien común que desarrollamos. Este taller está abierto a todo el público y le brindará algunas herramientas prácticas para investigar la calidad de la dinámica del bien común en una institución. El taller tendrá costo extra de 50 USD.


Created last year by the Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), the Instituto Promotor del Bien Común (IPBC) is a University Center committed to investigate and operationalize the notion of the common good in our society. The common good was once a mostly practical notion used to describe and norm economic as well as political institutions. Progressively abandoned during the last century, it has again attracted the interest of political scientists, lawyers, and practionners, especially as a way to overcome some of the shortcomings of political and economic liberalism. The goal set to the IPBC is to give to this key notion a concrete and practical meaning, so that it may again become operational: a mean to search for a common future, a tool to measure development practice and draft and assess specific policies.

To this end a group of more than 20 international researchers, under the leadership of the IPBC, has developed over the last year a metric of the common good’s dynamic. We hope to assess with it the key features necessary for the emergence of a common good dynamic in a society or an institution.

The Conference will be the occasion to present to a large public the blueprint of this metric and bring together researchers working on the notion of the common good, particularly in the field of application and measurements. To this purpose, we are looking for papers investigating one or several of the following topics:

  • Contemporary interpretations of the common good
  • Applications of a common good approach to development issues, especially regarding emerging countries
  • Measurement of ‘commons’, ‘common goods’ or ‘the dynamic of the common good’

Cost: 200 USD

Includes lodging for 3 nights, meals and access to the Conference

Introductory session

The IPBC will organize on Tuesday, February 12th (2019) half a day of intensive training to the concept and metric of the common good we developed. This workshop is open to all public and will give you some practical tools to investigate the quality of the common good’s dynamic in an institution. This workshop will have an extra cost of 50 USD.

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