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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Call for contributions: Breaking Boundaries – (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic – seeking indigenous voices

    …ty leaders, academics, practitioners, activists or anyone else – please do share with them. For more information, including instructions on uploading content and submission guidelines, please see the full Call for Contributions in English (see here), French, Spanish and Portuguese. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2020. We look forward to your submission and hope you feel inspired to share this exciting, unique opportunity with your n…

  2. 2020 HDCA Conference – Online (Auckland, NZ)

    A very special thank you to everyone who participated in, or otherwise supported the realisation of, our 2020 HDCA Conference. Due to COVID-19 and the corresponding global need for strict social distancing, we had to shift gear and turn the conference into an all-online event. We were thrilled that it was so appealing to such a large number of presenters and audience participants, and that it went so splendidly. It was an incredible pleasure to e-meet so many fantastic people ツ

    Hopefully, many of us will have a chance to meet non-virtually again in the near future. We hear that Antwerp is a beautiful place, among other locations.

    As always, our warmest wishes from Auckland,
    Your 2020 HDCA Conference Organisers

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    To ensure you receive news and updates, please subscribe to the email list for our 2020 event. Send a message from your email account to Make sure the subject of your email is “SUBSCRIBE 2020HDCA” (without the quotation marks), otherwise the list server will respond with an error message. Here’s a screenshot that shows what your message should look like:

    Alternatively, you can simply message the conference organisers at and they will add your address to the email list for you. The organisers are also happy to answer any conference-related questions at that address.


  3. HDCA Fellows

    …adford, UK) Elizabeth Anderson (University of Michigan, USA) Kaushik Basu (World Bank, USA) Mario Biggeri (University of Florence, Italy) Alejandra Boni (Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Spain) Jean-Michel Bonvin (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Andrea Brandolini (Bank of Italy, Italy) Satya Chakravarty (ISI Kolkata, India) Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti (University of Pavia, Italy) Melis Cin (Lancaster University, UK) David Clark (University…

  4. Conference: Breaking the Rules! Energy Transitions as Social Innovations

    …The Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions is hosting an international conference entitled “*Breaking the Rules! Energy Transitions as Social Innovations* <>” that will take place on *June 14th – 15th, 2018*, at *WZB Berlin Social Science Center* <>*….

  5. 2018 HDCA Conference – Buenos Aires, Argentina



    HDCA 2018 Conference

    Ver la página web de la Conferencia en Español

    “Human Development and Social Inclusion
    in an Urbanizing World” 

    August 30-September 1, 2018

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    in collaboration with FLACSO Argentina

    With the support of


    The 2018 HDCA Program Committee cordially invites scholars, government policy makers, practitioners and other interested parties from all over the world to participate in the 2018 HDCA conference.  Original empirical research, theoretical issues, case-studies or reports of experiences, or findings from major research projects, and book panels relevant to conference theme or more broadly related to human development/capabilities approach will be presented.




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