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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Latin American Network: Introduction

    …LA consisten en facilitar la comunicación entre investigadores en la región, compartir información relevante, organizar eventos académicos y proporcionar diferentes tipos de oportunidades para la construcción de un espacio de discusión diverso e inclusivo centrado en temas relacionados al desarrollo humano en América Latina. Si bien recomendamos fuertemente a todos los colegas interesados en este grupo afiliarse a la HDCA, es posible ser incluido…

  2. Webinar Discussion: Democratising Measurement: A Case Study from Well-Being Public Policy.

    …dates, and to register, please visit our website: Upcoming Webinar Series Themes 1. Democratising Measurement: A Case Study from Well-Being Public Policy Anna Alexandra & Mark Fabian 6th April, Tuesday, 11am BST (GMT +1) 2. Conceptualizing Well-Being Ingrid Robeyns 19th April, Monday, 6.30pm BST (GMT +1) 3. Methodological Options and Challenges for Measuring Multidimensional Well-Being* 4. Participatory Approaches to…

  3. Asia-Pacific Network: Introduction

    …esent we have colleagues based in Thailand, Indonesia, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, and Tonga working in a number of areas including: indigenous issues, poverty, environment, participatory methods, education. Our aim is to create capability conversations within the region by organising seminars and workshops, and to establish (at some point) an annual regional capability conference. We also hope to establish development ethics and human…

  4. NEW BOOK! The Capability Approach and the Sustainable Development Goals: Inter, Multi, and Trans Disciplinary Perspectives

    …studies from across Asia, Africa, Latin America (global south), and the USA, UK, and Australia (global north) consider how the capability approach can contribute as a practical framework to achieving the SDGs’ ambitions for social, economic, political, and legal progress. Drawing on insights from a range of disciplines, this book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners from law, politics, international relations, criminology, internat…

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