…issue of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities published in February 2013, it starts with a contribution by Amartya Sen on the “Ends and Means of Sustainability”. All contributions focus on the difficulties that arise from a freedom-oriented view of sustainability. The introduction by the editors Felix Rauschmayer and Ortrud Leßmann has been adapted and the article on “Human Development and Sustainability” written by Eric Neumayer has…
TERI University – BLISS School 2016 on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns
…also highlighted in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, 2002. The European Union (EU), recognizing the need to promote SCP practices and thereby achieve sustainable economic development, resource efficiency, and poverty reduction, has made SCP a prime focus in its regional cooperation strategy for Asia. Given this backdrop, the TERI University in New Delhi, dedicated to providing educatio…