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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Final Newsletter of the GeNECA project on Sustainable Development and the Capability Approach

    …pability Approach ended a year ago. Attached you find the seventh and last newsletter of the project (as there still are some ongoing activities following from this project, we will update the homepage from time to time). We are happy about the project, enjoyed our cooperation and are glad that we could contribute to linking the discussions on sustainable development and on the Capability Approach. We now have more clarity on where the CA can cont…

  2. Award-winning book on re-imagining the university from a human development and capabilities perspective

    The book Human Development and Capabilities: Re-imagining the university of the twenty-first century, co-edited by Alejandra Boni and Melanie Walker and published by Routledge in 2013, has just been awarded the prestigious Manuel Castillo award in Spain for stimulating ‘academic, scientific and journalist research in cooperation, peace and human development fields’. A Spanish translation of parts of the book is being considered to facilitate wide…

  3. Workshop: Advances in stochastic dominance for welfare analysis

    …e particularly welcome. Keynote speakers: James Foster (Institute for International Economic Policy, George Washington University), Alain Trannoy (EHESS and Aix-Marseille School of Economics).   Submission process: Submissions of complete papers, in pdf format, are expected by July 1st, 2014. Submissions should be sent to Kelly Labart at Acceptance notes with detailed information will be sent by July 20, 2014. Organisation: Pa…

  4. NEW BOOK! Reparative Futures and Transformative Learning Spaces

    …s a remarkable compilation of learning practices and methodologies to construct reparative futures which are humanising, inclusive, sustainable, and more just, and where past injustices are no longer replicated but repaired or mended. The main players who populate those spaces are of a noteworthy diversity: community researchers, student activists, artists, policymakers and practitioners, and defenders of the LGTBIQ+ community, among many others….

  5. Call for Papers: 1st International Conference on Aporophobia

    …stics produced by its different sessions into concrete actions to make the world less aporophobic. To this end, proposals are also invited for workshops that explore aporophobia as a real-world problem and that can take place at IQS or in a collaborating institution. On the same line, the conference will conclude with the reading of a ‘manifesto against aporophobia’ elaborated by the institutions that organise this conference. In order to produce…

  6. Call for Papers: Third CAMBRIDGE CAPABILITY CONFERENCE (CCC) – 2018

    “ON CAPABILITY INDICATORS FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT” CALL FOR PAPERS Cambridge has been home to many researchers working on the Capability Approach. In 2016 we launched a new series of annual capability conferences along similar lines as the early capability conferences that we initiated back in 2001. The main objective was to recreate the intimate intellectual atmosphere, in-depth discussions and time for exchanges, having one hour per p…

  7. Call for Abstract / Papers for an Edited Volume: “Application of Capability Approach to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”

    …ional Policies on Access and Reduction of Poverty: The Case of Ghana: International Journal on World Peace, Vol. XXXV, 2, 53-82 – Ikejiaku, B., (2015), Current International Security Sector Development (SSD) and its Implication for Developing Countries, Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Fall/Winter 2014, XVI, No. 1, 155-172. – Ibid, (2012). Poverty-Conflict Nexus: the contentious issue revisited. European Journal of Sustainable Dev…

  8. March 4th, 2015 – Special Issue on “Indigenous Education”

    The Creative Education (CE, Google-based Impact Factor: 0.98), a peer-reviewed open-access journal, is seeking papers for the upcoming special issue on “Indigenous Education”. We would like to invite you to submit or recommend original research papers to this issue through our Paper Submission System. Aims & Scope (not limited to the following fields) Indigenous education and its role in individual transformation Indigenous higher education units…

  9. Ph.D. in International and Public Law, Ethics and Economics for Sustainable Development

    …ty of Milan, characterized by a large network of international cooperation worldwide. The LEES aims at the creation of a global interdisciplinary research community that shares a commitment to the goals of sustainability. With courses, seminars, and scientific research activities held entirely in English, it addresses the complexities involved in sustainable development and uses an innovative multidisciplinary approach that combines the contributi…

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