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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Video and Webinar Archive

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Plenary 8: Panel Discussion: Old and New Vulnerabilities at Work: Workplace Inclusion and Innovation on Whose Terms?

Chair panelist: Ursula Holtgrewe
Head of the Work and Equal Opportunities Unit, Centre for Social Innovation GmbH (ZSI), Vienna, Austria

Steven Dhondt, Researcher at TNO and visiting professor at KU Leuven Belgium
Karina Angelieva, Head of the Political Cabinet, Ministry of Energy, Bulgaria
Zaakhir Asmal, Research Officer at the Development Policy Research Unit, School of Economics, University of Cape Town, South Africa

HDCA Conference 2023 HDCA Videos
69 minutes

Engaging with decolonisation to value Indigenous people’s self-determination as a key human capability: Some reflections

Presenter: Dr. Vinathe Sharma-Brymer, Lecturer in Social Work
University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia

Brief Bio: Vinathe Sharma-Brymer is a lecturer in Social Work at University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. She is an interdisciplinary academic researcher applying cross-continental approaches and perspectives in her qualitative research on human development. Her current academic research is on the benefits of nature-relatedness for better human health and wellbeing. Vinathe also focuses on working with individual (human) agency while engaging with intersecting issues in the experiences of equality and equity to enjoy the quality of life. This focus broadens her personal and professional engagement to examine decolonisation and self-determination using a migrant’s lens to explore the impact of colonisation on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.

HDCA Webinar Indigenous Peoples Asia-Pacific Region Network HDCA Videos

Improving how we understand and measure sexual wellbeing to capture human flourishing and social justice

Presentation by Dr Karen Lorimer
Co-Coordinator, HDCA Thematic Group on Gender and Sexuality

Dr Karen Lorimer (BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD, PGCAP, FHEA) is a Reader in Social Science and Health, in the School of Health & Life Sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland. She is a sociologist, interested in sexual health, sexual wellbeing, capability approach and gender-based violence. She currently leads a British Academy/Leverhulme project on working class women and sexual violence.

Karen is an active member of the Gender Research and Equalities Network at GCU. She is a member of the Scottish Parliament Cross-Party Group on Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses, and is a member of the Scottish Government’s National Monitoring and Research Group (NMRG).

HDCA Webinar 2023 Gender and Sexuality Health and Disability HDCA Videos
38 minutes

Engaging Communities in Case-Study Research to Transform Institutions––and How Spiritual Capabilities can Contribute

The Human Rights Thematic Group hosts a presentation by TG member Bill Walker, Ridley College, Melbourne, who picks up from Dustin Sharp’s recent talk to the HDCA Human Rights Thematic Group introducing the concept of a “larger we” ( In this presentation he describes his own spiritual journey of engaging with injustice through advocacy and other action for, with, and by communities. 

HDCA Webinar 2023 Human Rights HDCA Videos
95 minutes

A Larger We: Spirituality, Identity, Human Rights, and Social Change

Dustin Sharp, Associate Professor at the Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego.  

Dustin Sharp formerly served as researcher for Francophone West Africa at Human Rights Watch. He has published with Human Rights Quarterly and the Journal of Human Rights. He is the author of Rethinking Transitional Justice for the 21st Century: Beyond the End of History (CUP 2018).

HDCA Webinar 2022 Human Rights
59 minutes
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