Lucas Chancel, Murray Leibbrandt, Supriya Garikipati, Bea Cantillon
Moderator: Tom De Herdt
PLENARY 7: CLOSING SESSION: Is Inequality a Political Choice

Lucas Chancel, Murray Leibbrandt, Supriya Garikipati, Bea Cantillon
Moderator: Tom De Herdt
Talk by Dr. Bill Walker
Hosted by the HDCA Asia-Pacific Regional Network (APRN)
Amartya Sen and Paulo Freire are two of the most influential development thinkers of the last fifty years. While both emphasized that development requires freedom and justice, their writings emerged in markedly different contexts, their assumptions often differed, they reached distinctively different conclusions, and their work spawned separate movements. The presented paper aims to compare their thinking and explore potential synergies between them and their movements, which are germane to contemporary development.
HDCA Webinar 2022 Asia-Pacific Region NetworkPresented by Dr. Tara White, Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences (Research) and the founding director of the Laboratory of Affective Neuroscience at Brown University
Neuroscientist and psychology researcher Tara White proposes that protections provided by international human rights instruments are rooted in fundamental properties of the human brain. The emerging field that she has named dignity neuroscience stems from her and others’ work in human brain science and human emotions. Dr. White proposes a framework that provides an empirical foundation to support and foster human dignity, universal rights, and their active furtherance by individuals, nations, and international law. It incorporates understandings of brain structures involved in agency, autonomy, and self-determination, the harms of privation and maltreatment, and the concept of intrinsic human dignity expressed in longstanding cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions.
HDCA Webinar 2022 Human Rights HDCA VideosA webinar on the 2022 UNDP-HDRO Special Report on Human Security
Report leader, Dr. Heriberto Tapia, plus members of the Report team, present an overview of the Report’s purposes, main arguments, and hoped-for uses. Presenters: Andrew Crabtree, Copenhagen Business School
Oscar A. Gómez, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
John Morrissey, National University of Ireland
A conversation with Dr. Faranaaz Veriava
Adopted in 2019, the Abidjan Principles lay out governments’ international legal obligations in the area of education to ensure education rights do not get undermined by private actors. Dr. Faranaaz Veriava, who served on the advisory committee to the drafting team, describes how the principles have been used by education advocates in litigation and advocacy. Enough time will be put aside to ensure participants have the chance to ask questions and to engage with each other.
HDCA Webinar 2022 Education Human Rights HDCA VideosThis is the Education Thematic Group’s interview 4, with Dr. Fenella Somerville and hosted by Dr. Patience Mukwambo.
HDCA Webinar 2022 Education HDCA VideosThis panel discussion features presentations by four scholars who have published in the recent Policy Forum in the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities on SDG localisation. The discussion will challenge the traditional “top-down” dichotomy in implementing the SDGs, highlighting that to fulfill the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, it is essential to translate the SDGs into national and local policy initiatives. The incorporation of participatory approaches in this process is vital in ensuring collective action and democratic participation. The authors highlight how participatory approaches have been utilised in implementing the SDGs in a local context.
HDCA Webinar 2022 Empowerment and Collective Capabilities Participatory Methods Sustainable Human Development European Network HDCA VideosGustavo Arosemena, assistant professor at the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights, and Bart Kleine Deters, a senior researcher at ECBO, a Dutch education research center, speak about their book chapter “Conflicts in Human Rights-Based Development”. The authors note that it has become increasingly common to define development in terms of rights. However, they write,
What is rarely recognized is that even if development is conceptualized in terms of rights, it remains a conflictive process. Normally it is not possible to satisfy the rights or claims to development of all needy parties. Consequently, there is a need to make choices, to make trade-offs. How this squares with talk of ‘rights’ is not well understood. Existing theories of rights-based development say little about conflicts or how to solve them. (Arosemena & Kleine Deters, 2020, p. 242)
HDCA Webinar 2022 Human Rights HDCA VideosKirsten Sehnbruch, Presenter
Nicolai Suppa, Commentator
Ortrud Lessmann, Chair
This webinar proposes a methodology for measuring the quality of employment from a multidimensional and public policy perspective using household survey data from 14 Latin American developing countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay). The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate that the QoE can be measured using the Alkire Foster method that can inform policy makers about the state of their labour markets in a way that complements traditional variables such as participation or unemployment rates, which are not always good indicators of labour market performance in developing countries with large informal sectors. Beyond introducing the method, the presentation shows it has been applied to specific cases, such as Chile and Egypt. We discuss insights generated by our results on developments over time and across regions, how it can be used to examine horizontal inequalities (eg to compare migrant populations to local ones) as well as presenting a case study using dynamic data.
HDCA Webinar 2022 Work and Employment HDCA VideosWelcome to our latest Education TG Spotlight interview 3, with Dr Oliver Mutanga. Dr Mutanga is an experienced researcher with a demonstrated history of exploring Disability, Education and Health issues. He was awarded a scholarship at the University of the Free State in South Africa to pursue doctoral studies (2013-2016). In 2015, he was awarded a CICOPS Fellowship by the University of Pavia, Italy. In 2017, he was awarded a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Oslo, Norway. This was followed by a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the UCL Institute of Education (IOE) in 2019. Prior to his PhD research, Oliver worked as a researcher in Zimbabwe, Botswana, and South Africa. Currently he is an Expert Evaluator for the European Commission. He is also a Guest Research Fellow at the University of South Africa and a Guest Research Fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway. In this interview he shares his experiences and future ideas in relation to education and development.
HDCA Webinar 2022 Education HDCA Videos