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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. 2020 Disability Studies Conference – Auckland, NZ

    Disability Studies, Disability Justice: Challenging Ableism The Conference will be hosted at the University of Auckland, 11-13 July 2020 Abstract submission deadline: 14 March 2020 The main theme of the conference is Disability Studies, Disability Justice: Challenging Ableism. Ableist privilege and the abled/disabled binary it perpetuates is a key priority for many disability studies scholars, disability activists, allies and accomplices. This co…

  2. TERI University – BLISS School 2016 on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns

    … BLISS (Building Learning in Sustainability Science) is a series of five-day events organized by the TERI University to train and prepare stakeholders for the forthcoming sustainable development challenges by initiating dialogue and disseminating knowledge and skills on critical issues such as environmental protection, ecological security, resource efficiency especially in a rapidly developing country like Indi…

  3. New Book: “El Desarrollo como derecho humano. Normas nacionales y documentos internacionales. Jurisprudencia de tribunales superiores y regionales”

    …eso, desarrollo y desarrollo humano. El desarrollo como derecho humano en distintos documentos internacionales. El derecho al desarrollo en las regulaciones regionales. El progreso y el desarrollo humano en la doctrina social de la Iglesia. El progreso en el pensamiento argentino previo a la Constitución nacional de 1853. El progreso en la Constitución de 1853 y en las reformas de 1860, 1949 y 1957. La reforma constitucional de 1994 y el desarroll…

  4. Opinion piece: “Stop obsessing over GDP when talking about the pandemic recovery”

    “As the COVID-19 crisis has mounted, it has become clear that this tragedy is also an opportunity to re-envision our society and our understanding of recovery or progress. But most portrayals of the economic recovery from the pandemic focus almost exclusively on growth in GDP, with little consideration for the kinds of goods and services that are produced, the kinds of jobs people do, the lives people are able to lead, and the environmental effec…

  5. Book on “The Capability Approach and Sustainability”

    It is rather astonishing that the issue of sustainability first posed by the Brundtland commission in 1987 has gained so little attention from capability scholars despite the focus of the approach on human well-being. The book “The Capability Approach and Sustainability” has recently been published as the first book dedicated exclusively on this issue. Essentially based on the special issue of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities pub…

  6. Ph.D. in International and Public Law, Ethics and Economics for Sustainable Development

    The PhD Programme in Law, Ethics & Economics for Sustainability (LEES) is an interdisciplinary Program of the University of Milan, characterized by a large network of international cooperation worldwide. The LEES aims at the creation of a global interdisciplinary research community that shares a commitment to the goals of sustainability. With courses, seminars, and scientific research activities held entirely in English, it addresses the complexi…

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