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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

TERI University – BLISS School 2016 on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns

18-22, April 2016

Registration begins: 27, January 2016
Last date for registration: 11, April 2016

BLISS (Building Learning in Sustainability Science) is a series of five-day events organized by the TERI University to train and prepare stakeholders for the forthcoming sustainable development challenges by initiating dialogue and disseminating knowledge and skills on critical issues such as environmental protection, ecological security, resource efficiency especially in a rapidly developing country like India. The overarching aim is to generate awareness and champion the cause of sustainability and sustainable development, both nationally and at the global level.

In this series, BLISS School 2016 will focus on interdisciplinary learning on the theme of ‘Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns’. The content of the sessions over five days will be covered under the following sub–themes:

  • Introduction to Sustainable Consumption and Production: Global and Regional Context, Fundamental Concepts, Challenges, and Opportunities
  • Internalizing SCP in Value Chains: Supply Chain Management, Life Cycle Thinking, SCP in the Private Sector, Corporate Social Responsibility, Influencing Consumer Choice
  • Towards Resource Efficient Urban Habitats: Planning and Management for Infrastructure, Energy, and Waste
  • Innovation and Technology for SCP: Cleaner and Safer Production, Sustainable Food Systems, Tourism, Lifestyles and Education
  • Mainstreaming SCP through Stakeholder Engagement and Policy–making

The sessions will also present case studies on leading SCP practices as well as showcase innovative policies promoting SCP both at the regional and national level.


Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) is an integral component of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the main focus of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)-12. For over a decade, countries have viewed SCP as a pre-requisite for achieving the objective of sustainable development also highlighted in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, 2002. The European Union (EU), recognizing the need to promote SCP practices and thereby achieve sustainable economic development, resource efficiency, and poverty reduction, has made SCP a prime focus in its regional cooperation strategy for Asia. Given this backdrop, the TERI University in New Delhi, dedicated to providing education for sustainable development, has signed an agreement with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) under the EU–funded SWITCH–Asia Programme to support learning on SCP among different stakeholders, especially policymakers and students, as well as consumers, businesses, and supporting organizations in South Asia.To meet this objective, a five-day School on Sustainable Consumption and Production is being organized at the TERI University from April 18-22, 2016.

For queries, email us at or call 011-71800222.

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