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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. HDCA’s Children, Education, and Health & Disability Thematic groups’ joint Webinar on: “Psychotropic Kids: navigating children’s right to health and right to refuse treatment in contexts of poverty”

    …6:30 to 7:30pm in Delhi 9:00 to 10:00am Eastern Standard Time The Webinar: China Mills will present a paper that explores the tensions between children’s right to access psychiatric treatment, and their right to refuse treatment, within growing advocacy (from the World Health Organization and the Movement for Global Mental Health) to ‘scale up’ access to psychotropic drugs for children in the global South. It will map the physical, psychological a…

  2. Free Workshop – The Capabilities Approach & Law

    …ings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars with the aim of assessing and exploring the utility of the approach across different areas of law and policy. The full programme is available at: It is free to attend but places are limited. Please reserve your place by emailing Michael Thomson:…

  3. 2018 HDCA Conference – Buenos Aires, Argentina



    HDCA 2018 Conference

    Ver la página web de la Conferencia en Español

    “Human Development and Social Inclusion
    in an Urbanizing World” 

    August 30-September 1, 2018

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    in collaboration with FLACSO Argentina

    With the support of


    The 2018 HDCA Program Committee cordially invites scholars, government policy makers, practitioners and other interested parties from all over the world to participate in the 2018 HDCA conference.  Original empirical research, theoretical issues, case-studies or reports of experiences, or findings from major research projects, and book panels relevant to conference theme or more broadly related to human development/capabilities approach will be presented.




  4. Thematic Groups

    …the thematic groups. As a member of HDCA you can join the thematic groups by simply visiting their webpage and clicking on the button for joining (you have to be logged in to the site). Alternatively, contact the groups coordinators and ask them for instruction. For non-HDCA-members:free registration as a user of this site is required for joining thematic groups. After joining you will be included in the group’s listserv. You can join as many the…

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