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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. WEBINAR: From Human Development to Sustainable Human Development

    …als and Capability and Human Security Analysis (together with Des Gasper). Other publications include: Sustainability and Climate Change in Jay Drydyk and Lori Keleher (eds) Routledge Handbook of Development Ethics (2018). His publications on disasters include Crabtree, A. (2018). Capabilities, Ethics and Disasters. In Disasters: Core Concepts and Ethical Theories (pp. 175-187). In O’Mathúna, D. P., D…

  2. Call for Papers: Special Issue, Philosophies: “The Philosophy of Human Rights Obligations and Omissions”

    …not, failing to respect, protect and fulfill human rights according to the commitments made. Such omissions are hinged on the existence of obligations; thus, the two should be discussed in relation to each other. We welcome papers from a wide variety of philosophical and multi-disciplinary perspectives (philosophy, law, political science, economy, theology, etc.) that address these topics and the relationships between them. Despite the many formal…

  3. EXTENDED DEADLINE: VII Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Association for Human Development and the Capabilities Approach (ALCADECA)

    …thematic panels based on recent projects or fieldwork results are also welcome. In addition to the central theme of the conference, papers discussing related topics are also welcome as long as they establish a critical dialogue with the human development and capability approach. Related themes include: • Human rights and human development • Inequality, multidimensional poverty and human development • The politics of recognition • Distributive jus…

  4. Call for Editors – Journal of Global Ethics

    …team during the course of 2022. The full announcement is available at this Editor – qualifications Candidates should have a record of publication in global ethics and justice commensurate with the aim and scope of this journal. Previous editorial experience is desirable, but is not required. All proposals will be judged on their merits; consideration will be given to aspects of diversity that may supplement the pers…

  5. Conference Ethics of Economic Institutions

    …trecht University. For all questions, please email to Abstract submission and deadline Please send a Word document with your abstract (300-500 words plus up to 5 references) and your full contact details to The deadline for abstract submissions is July 1st, 2014. Submitters will be notified of acceptance or rejection by August 1st at latest. The deadline for registration is September 15st. Biograph…

  6. Extensión de Fecha Límite: VII CONFERENCIA ALCADECA

    …el idioma oficial de la conferencia será el español, podrán ser sometidos trabajos en los idiomas portugués e inglés. Las presentaciones podrán ser en estos idiomas si hay voluntarios disponibles para realizar traducciones informales. Comité Organizador: • Oscar Garza (UDLAP, México) • Viviana Ramírez (UDLAP, México) • Teresa Herrera-Nebel (UPAEP) Comité Académico: • Javier Iguiñiz • Graciela Tonon • Andrea Vigorito • Izete Pengo Bagolin • Silvana…

  7. IDEA Conference: Marginalized Peoples, Human Rights, and Development Ethics

    …urnal on all aspects of the theory and practice of global ethics as well as ethics in the context of globalisation. See the journal webpage for more information on the journal and on how to submit your paper: For more information contact: Prof. Stacy J. Kosko, (English, French) Prof. Valentina Teosa, (Romanian, Russian)…

  8. Conference Proposals Due March 1: Marginalized Peoples, Human Rights, and Development Ethics

    …cy J. Kosko, (English) Prof. Valentina Teosa, (Romanian, Russian) By 1st March, 2018 Conference Registration Fee Schedule: On-line conference registration will open around April 2018. Students and scholars from low- and mid-income countries will pay a significantly reduced registration fee, to be announced. Please note that the registration fee provides a year’s membership in IDEA, which includes a year’s subscript…

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