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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Final Newsletter of the GeNECA project on Sustainable Development and the Capability Approach

    …on where the CA can contribute to furthering sustainability, where more research is needed, and for which problems related to the implementation of sustainability the CA cannot give satisfying answers. We are certain that we meet many of you again and hope that we all contribute to a sustainable human development. Ortrud Lessmann and Felix Rauschmayer for Jürgen, Peter, Torsten, Rebecca, Ines, Mirijam, and many more who actively supported our wor…

  2. Award-winning book on re-imagining the university from a human development and capabilities perspective

    …ty of the twenty-first century, co-edited by Alejandra Boni and Melanie Walker and published by Routledge in 2013, has just been awarded the prestigious Manuel Castillo award in Spain for stimulating ‘academic, scientific and journalist research in cooperation, peace and human development fields’. A Spanish translation of parts of the book is being considered to facilitate wider dissemination. The award ceremony takes place in Valencia on 20 May 2…

  3. Workshop: Advances in stochastic dominance for welfare analysis

    …emia, in particular for the design of development policy. Papers linking research and policy are particularly welcome. Keynote speakers: James Foster (Institute for International Economic Policy, George Washington University), Alain Trannoy (EHESS and Aix-Marseille School of Economics).   Submission process: Submissions of complete papers, in pdf format, are expected by July 1st, 2014. Submissions should be sent to Kelly Labart at conference@ferdi…

  4. HDCA Undergraduate Workshop II: Exploring “worthwhile development”

    21st April, 2021, 1-2.30pm (UK time) For our second workshop for undergraduate students working with the capability approach, human development or development ethics, Stacy Kosko (University of Maryland, US) will present a simulation exercise for thinking about human development ethics. This workshop is aimed primarily at undergraduates so please sign up if you are an undergraduate working with the capability approach (this event is open to under…

  5. NEW BOOK! Reparative Futures and Transformative Learning Spaces

    …s a remarkable compilation of learning practices and methodologies to construct reparative futures which are humanising, inclusive, sustainable, and more just, and where past injustices are no longer replicated but repaired or mended. The main players who populate those spaces are of a noteworthy diversity: community researchers, student activists, artists, policymakers and practitioners, and defenders of the LGTBIQ+ community, among many others….

  6. Call for Papers: 1st International Conference on Aporophobia

    …about aporophobia, published in 2017 in Spanish and later translated into English, is a tour de force. That same year the word aporophobia was elected ‘word of the year’ by the BBVA Foundation and was included in the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of Spain. It is typified as a hate crime in Spain’s Penal Code and the Ministry of Domestic Affairs’ supports production of aporophobia statistics. In the recent history of social and human sciences ve…

  7. Call for Abstract / Papers for an Edited Volume: “Application of Capability Approach to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”

    …ity, UK. Currently a Senior Lecturer at the Coventry University, UK. His research interests (in the interdisciplinary fields of law, politics/IR, & international development) include international law & global development; the rule of law & economic development process; human development & capability approach; poverty-conflict nexus; inequality, crime, injustice, and development. • Relevant publications: – Ikejiaku, Brian, Migration, Poverty, the…

  8. HDCA WEBINAR: Children during the Pandemic: A View from the CA

    September 22, 2020 13.00-14.30 (UK time), 9.00-10.30 (Buenos Aires), 22.00-23.30 (Sydney) This webinar aims to shed light on the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on children by looking at it through the capabilities approach. It brings together three scholars from different corners of the globe, who will discuss the situation of children in their own regions, and how this may speak to concerns about the effects that the pandemic has had on…

  9. Publishing Opportunity – International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life

    …sciplines and areas of study within the growing field of quality of life research. Handbooks in the series focus on capturing and reviewing the quality of life research literature in specific life domains, on specific populations, or in relation to specific disciplines or sectors of industry. In addition, the Handbooks cover measures of quality of life and well-being, providing annotated bibliographies of well-established measures, methods, and sc…

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