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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Final Newsletter of the GeNECA project on Sustainable Development and the Capability Approach

The project GeNECA on the relationship between Sustainable Development and the Capability Approach ended a year ago. Attached you find the seventh and last newsletter of the project (as there still are some ongoing activities following from this project, we will update the homepage from time to time).

We are happy about the project, enjoyed our cooperation and are glad that we could contribute to linking the discussions on sustainable development and on the Capability Approach. We now have more clarity on where the CA can contribute to furthering sustainability, where more research is needed, and for which problems related to the implementation of sustainability the CA cannot give satisfying answers.

We are certain that we meet many of you again and hope that we all contribute to a sustainable human development.

Ortrud Lessmann and Felix Rauschmayer
Jürgen, Peter, Torsten, Rebecca, Ines, Mirijam, and many more who actively supported our work throughout these years

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