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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. JHDC Special Issue Call for Papers

    …vels, to bring about change. Transformative change may empower but also disrupts norms, structures, disciplines and the status quo. Further to the work of Kulundu-Bolus et al. (2020) we are interested to learn ‘what it may mean to transgress the limits of a neoliberal world and its crisis times in our research and praxis, in the service of a decolonial [and more sustainable] future’ (p.112, italics in original). We make a call to educators, schola…

  2. New Graduate Student Network Google group!

    …apers for reviews or comments, new announcements of any conferences or job vacancies, book reviews, any general query over writing thesis…….Please visit the site regularly for more updates and news especially for our forthcoming conference. Lets come together and make it really an active group of HDCA , achieving the goal we ha set for ourselves….Nupur Ray…

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