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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. COVID-19 Reflections: A Global Capability Crisis

    …ould last for many years. It may and should also be an opportunity for the world to reassess the freedoms we should value and the steps we need to make development truly sustainable and inclusive but in either case, the themes of the capability approach (Nussbaum and Sen (1993), Anand and Piketty (2011)) provide a rich source of ideas on which researchers and policy-makers can draw. What consumers and workers can do has been subject to a tremendou…

  2. Graduate and Undergraduate Workshop Series

    Graduate Workshop Series Following requests from graduate HDCA members we are planning to launch a series of writing workshops to be held from 1-2.30pm (UK time) on the following dates: Graduate Workshop 1 Writing for dissertations and theses – 9 December, 2020 Graduate Workshop 2 Writing for journal publication – 10 March, 2021 Graduate Workshop 3 Writing for policy makers – 9 June, 2021 These will be open to graduate members of the HDCA on a fi…

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