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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. ZIF Summer School 2017 – Universität Bielefeld

    …ative to Multidimensional Poverty Measurement. Experts in the field are recruited in order to provide the best knowledge and skills to the participants. This summer school introduces to a multi-disciplinary audience of early stage researchers (PhD students & postdocs) the Fuzzy Set Approach, a cutting-edge alternative to traditional means of poverty measurement which goes beyond binary and monetarist models of poverty and offers new perspectives a…

  2. HDCA WEBINAR: Children during the Pandemic: A View from the CA

    …ERS Caroline Hart (University of Sheffield): Children living in a Covid-19 World: Reflections from England Kate Sollis (Australian National University): COVID-19 and its impacts on children and young people in Australia: An evidence review Graciela Tonon (Universidad de Palermo): Children`s views on the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study The event will take place through Zoom. Please register in order to receive the link to the meeting and fur…

  3. Call for Papers: Third CAMBRIDGE CAPABILITY CONFERENCE (CCC) – 2018

    …22-23 June 2018. There will be a conference fee of £15. Abstracts (max 500 words) or full papers (max 8,000 words) The selection of the best papers will be carried out by a committee integrated by Dr Flavio Comim, Dr Shailaja Fennell and Dr P B Anand. As with the two previous conferences, preference will be given to original papers exploring issues with capability indicators both in terms of theoretical and practical dimensions but other papers re…

  4. Webinar “Children’s feeling of Security: a view from the Capability Approach” July, 6th, 2018

    The Thematic Group “Children and The Youth” is happy to announce the first webinar of the TG “Children&Youth” Webinar Series! CHILDREN’S FEELING OF SECURITY: A VIEW FROM THE CAPABILITY APPROACH by Graciela Tonon, Denise Benatuil, Damián Molgaray and María Juliana Laurito CICS-UP, Master Program in Social Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Palermo, Argentina July 6th, 2018 10-11am New York, 11-12am Buenos Aires 3-4pm London, 7.30-…

  5. COVID-19 y Desarrollo Humano en América Latina: Hacia una nueva agenda de investigación, políticas y responsabilidad social

    3 y 5 de junio 17:30 a 19:00 hrs (UTC-5) El Instituto de Desarrollo Humano de América Latina en colaboración con la Dirección Académica de Responsabilidad Social – PUCP (DARS) lanza el ciclo de webinars «Covid-19 y Desarrollo Humano en América Latina: Hacia una agenda de investigación, políticas y responsabilidad social». Este se orientará a generar discusión en torno a la relación entre #Covid19 y #desarrollohumano, en seis países de la región….

  6. NEW BOOK: Urban Inequalities: A Multidimensional and International Perspective

    Graciela Tonon (Ed.) 2024 The Urban Book Series, Springer This book proposes an interdisciplinary and multidimensional perspective of urban inequalities based on a range of theoretical, methodological, and professional approaches. Chapters consider different types of inequalities: in health, education, age, housing, energy, space, civic rights, social exclusion, ethnicity, poverty,…

  7. Webinar: Horizontal inequalities and intersectionality

    The Horizontal Inequalities Thematic Group of the Human Development and Capability Association invites you to a webinar discussing: Horizontal inequalities and intersectionality: Current debates and emerging work Monday March 23rd, 2015 11:00am-12:30pm (GMT) Speakers Include: Prof. Frances Stewart, Professor Emeritus, University of Oxford; Adviser, Horizontal Inequalities Thematic Group. Dr. Chiara Mariotti, co-author of the recent ODI report on…

  8. Final Newsletter of the GeNECA project on Sustainable Development and the Capability Approach

    …pability Approach ended a year ago. Attached you find the seventh and last newsletter of the project (as there still are some ongoing activities following from this project, we will update the homepage from time to time). We are happy about the project, enjoyed our cooperation and are glad that we could contribute to linking the discussions on sustainable development and on the Capability Approach. We now have more clarity on where the CA can cont…

  9. Award-winning book on re-imagining the university from a human development and capabilities perspective

    The book Human Development and Capabilities: Re-imagining the university of the twenty-first century, co-edited by Alejandra Boni and Melanie Walker and published by Routledge in 2013, has just been awarded the prestigious Manuel Castillo award in Spain for stimulating ‘academic, scientific and journalist research in cooperation, peace and human development fields’. A Spanish translation of parts of the book is being considered to facilitate wide…

  10. Workshop: Advances in stochastic dominance for welfare analysis The seminal contributions of Kolm and Atkinson showed four decades ago how the use of stochastic dominance (SD) could help understand and compare distributions of welfare. Initially used in economics for the analysis of choice in risky environments, SD has proved to be particularly useful in those contexts in which it is difficult to agree on the measurement either of ind…

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