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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. HDCA Launches New Website

    …ile, we’d love to get your feedback – what works well and what could be improved? Do you have ideas for additional features and functions? Please send your comments and suggestions to HDCA Administrator Kathy Rosenblum at    …

  2. Summer School 2016 Late Registration

    …Please only use this form if you have been emailed a link. To register for the 2016 HDCA Summer School please complete the form below. The registration rate is $70 and includes study materials, refreshments and lunch on both days as well as a meal on the evening of 29 August. All prices are given in US$….

  3. WEBINAR: “Epistemic Injustice and the Capability Approach”

    …sard Børhaug (; the response will be of maximum 10 minutes. We recommend to read Fricker’s chapter Epistemic contribution as a central human capability. In G. Hull (ed.), The Equal Society (2015): 73-91 as preparation. Please save the date – additional information and the link to access the webinar will be provided a few weeks before May 15th. The webinar will last for about one hour and will be recorded. You will have access to the reco…

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