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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Call for Presentations: IDEA-UNAULA – Ibague 2021 Congress

    …onflict: ethical pathways towards peace and justice Medellin, Colombia, February 1st – 3rd, 2021 The UNAULA (Universidad Autónoma LatinoAmericana), Universidad de Ibagué and International Development Ethics Association (IDEA) invite scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and other interested parties to submit proposals for presentations at a conference. The conference will be held in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Find the full Call for Presen…

  2. CALL FOR PAPERS – Corona: Challenging Social Work

    …es or those who are self-employed, with no financial assets or resources already have their livelihoods threatened by COVID-19. Parents, especially mothers and single parents, are doubly burdened by the asymmetry in the distribution of care work, which is still present in most families. Furthermore, other groups, such as women or children in violent households, are currently experiencing additional burdens in quarantine. In the UK, the death toll…

  3. HDCA Graduate Workshop on Writing for Dissertations and Theses

    …the nature of doctoral thesis writing in terms of purpose, audience and structure, acknowledging the diversity across different national and institutional contexts. There will be the opportunity to share experiences and reflections with peers as well as to take part in activities designed to support your thinking and thesis writing practice. If you have already started to write your thesis you may find it useful to have your work to hand but the…

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