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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. HDCA Fellows

    …adford, UK) Elizabeth Anderson (University of Michigan, USA) Kaushik Basu (World Bank, USA) Mario Biggeri (University of Florence, Italy) Alejandra Boni (Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Spain) Jean-Michel Bonvin (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Andrea Brandolini (Bank of Italy, Italy) Satya Chakravarty (ISI Kolkata, India) Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti (University of Pavia, Italy) Melis Cin (Lancaster University, UK) David Clark (University…

  2. News and Events from the Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network (ECRPN)

    …work together during Covid-lockdown(s), continues to be open for all. Our online Co-writing space has also been used to run self-organized Pomodoro sessions. So if you are feeling isolated or lonely writing/researching, consider joining the co-writing space. This space can be initiated by anyone (no accounts or moderators needed) and you can seek fellow participants via this whatsapp group by inviting them to join you in co-writing/working. Whats…

  3. 2024 HDCA Conference – Kolkata, India

    September 24-26, 2024

    Hosted by the Pratichi (India) Trust, the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK), and Health Information Systems Program (HISP)

    “Crises, Capabilities and Commitment”

    The 2024 HDCA conference has special significance as 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of HDCA. The conference is being held in Kolkata, West Bengal, India – home of the first HDCA president, Professor Amartya Sen. The conference theme of Crises, Capabilities and Commitment has been chosen because the inter-linkages between these three ideas require in depth discussion.

    Many multi-faceted crises assail us. Some are global in scope, linked with the assault on our environment, violent conflicts, pandemics and humanitarian challenges. Some crises emerge from episodic events. Others emerge less dramatically linked with a backlash to transformations in social relations, or technologies. Crises, both episodic and cumulative, reveal deep inequalities in capabilities. Crises may be associated with both ‘loud’ and ‘silent’ capability deprivations, in areas such as education, health, disability, political participation and wellbeing. The immediate and visible fallout from crises may precipitate further inequalities in capabilities linked to loss of income and employment, inequity, food insecurity malnutrition, and polarization between groups. The conference will be a setting to discuss the forms of commitment needed to analyze and address many interlinked crises and their stress on capabilities.


  4. Conference: Breaking the Rules! Energy Transitions as Social Innovations

    …The Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions is hosting an international conference entitled “*Breaking the Rules! Energy Transitions as Social Innovations* <>” that will take place on *June 14th – 15th, 2018*, at *WZB Berlin Social Science Center* <>*….

  5. Call for contributions: Breaking Boundaries – (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic – seeking indigenous voices

    Dear All, I am pleased to announce the Call for Contributions for Breaking Boundaries: (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic. The aim of this open access collection is to offer a lasting record of collective and individual accounts and counter-accounts during the pandemic and its aftermath. This is your chance to share your voice and your perspective on what happened to ensure future generations can look back and understand this exceptional peri…

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