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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. WEBINAR: From Human Development to Sustainable Human Development

    …th. St.Clair was Lead author for IPCC Fifth Assessment Report WG2. Des Gasper is professor emeritus of Human Development, Development Ethics and Public Policy at the International Institute of Social Studies (The Hague), Erasmus University Rotterdam. He has been involved in discussions on human development and human security since the mid-1990s and published several papers about these pe…

  2. Call for Abstracts: International Indigenous Development Research Conference 2014

    …or abstract submission and presentations can be found on the conference website; All Abstracts will be assessed by the Conference Abstract Committee. There is potential for a limited number of panel presentations, please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested in convening a panel. There will be a published, reviewed conference proceedings and all accepted authors will be invited to submit their ful…

  3. The right to science | UN general comment | Ideas for collaboration

    …fic Research and to the publication of the respective Index (here: ). The current pandemic is giving us additional impulse to promote a more visible and prominent debate on the ‘right to science’ as human right: a right that, we feel, matters today possibly more than it did so far. The link between this right and human development is self-evident I think – and as such it is e…

  4. Call for support: Big Jump Challenge – European water solidarity youth campaign

    … Further information: The Big Jump Challenge Homepage: The Big Jump, water solidarity and social innovation: Big Jump Challenge Flyer: Big Jump River Reconciliation Film: [activate English subtitles] Big Jump Challenge Faceboo…

  5. Kuklys prize

    …tudent The Kuklys prize is annually awarded at the HDCA conference for the best conference paper written by a graduate student. Normally the same person can only win the award once. It is aimed at promoting the work of graduate students in the field of human development and the capability approach. It is named in memory of Wiebke Kuklys, who, as an Economics PhD student at Cambridge University, advanced the capability approach by exploring the app…

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