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Gris, Sandrine (2018). 'The well-being and schooling of Syrian refugees' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2018.
Smith, Jenna (2018). 'Title My Garden, My City: using urban agriculture to enhance social and economic inclusion amongst youth and families.' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2018.
Call for Papers: Immiserizing Growth – A Conference
…tion in different dimensions as a key objective of development policy. Thus, one component of the very first goal is to “Reduce at least by half the proportion of people living in poverty in all its dimensions,” echoing the first Millennium Development Goal. Following this trend, the World Bank has set out as one of its goals the elimination of extreme poverty. The empirical development literature for its part finds a correlation between economic…
Lopez-Muñoz, Laura (1); Ingelaere, Bert (2) (2018). 'THE CAPACITY TO ASPIRE OF THE RURAL YOUTH AND MIGRATION TO CITIES: THE CASE OF SUAN, COLOMBIA' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2018.
Gutwald, Rebecca (1); Byskov, Morten Fibieger (2); Watene, Krushil (3); Sengupta, Mitu (4); Kosko, Stacy (5) (2018). 'The Capability Approach in Development Ethics: A Democratic Framework for Setting Development Agendas' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2018.
Cazzuffi, Chiara (2018). 'Rural-urban linkages and social inclusion' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2018.
dos Santos, Luciana Alves; Fernandes, Marcus Vinicius Morais (2018). 'The disability employment gap in Brazilian labor market' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2018.
Extended CFP deadline- A World United: Allies in Ethical Development
…elivered by Christine Koggel, Department of Philosophy, Carleton University, Canada, and GREThA is pleased to invite Vijayendra Rao, Lead Economist, World Bank Development Research Group Conference language: English. All paper submissions and presentations should be in English. Plenary Speakers To be announced. Submissions For details on submission procedures for individual paper presentations, practitioner presentations, young-scholar-meets-senio…
Gris, Sandrine (2017). 'Inclusion policies in higher education: rights-capabilities and capability approach as a framework for elaboration and evaluation' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, Cape Town 2017.