In celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Human Development and Capability Association
HDCA Conference 2019HDCA 15th Anniversary slideshow

In celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Human Development and Capability Association
HDCA Conference 2019Opening Ceremony and Welcome
Moses Oketch | Co-Director, CEID, University College London
Ingrid Robeyns | HDCA President
Michael Arthur | President & Provost, University College London
Elaine Unterhalter | HDCA conference Chair, Co-Director CEID, UCL
Amartya Sen Lecture
Dr. Vandana Shiva
Scholar, environmental activist, food
sovereignty advocate and author
Professor Martha Nussbaum
Ernst Freund Distinguished Service
Professor of Law and Ethics, University
of Chicago
Mahbub ul Haq Lecture
Rupert Read
Reader in Philosophy,
University of East Anglia
Spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion
Dr Gautam Bhan
Senior Lead of Academics and Research, Indian Institute for Human Settlements
Kripa Basnyat
Atlantic Fellow, London School of Economics
Professor Patrizio Bianchi
Professor of Applied Economics, University of Ferrara
Tanya Charles
Atlantic Fellow, London School of Economics
Johannes Krassnitzer
United Nations Development, Programme (UNDP) ART initiative
Nussbaum Lecture
Professor Leif Wenar
Chair of Philosophy and Law, King’s College London
Amartya Sen
Thomas W. Lamont University Professor,
and Professor of Economics and Philosophy,
Harvard University
Award of conference prizes
Presentation on 2020 conference and celebration by Ngati Ranana | London Maori cultural club.
Chair: Ingrid Robeyns | HDCA President
HDCA Conference 2019Marc Steen (TNO / Human behaviour and Organisational Innovations)
HDCA Webinar 2019 Technology, Innovation & Design HDCA Videos