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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Podcast

    … EPISODE 3: Introducing the Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network In this episode we speak to organisers of the Early Careers Researchers and Practitioners Network.  Organisers Raphael Ng, Abigail Lennox, Dorothy Ferary & Gareth Wall join us to discuss the group, its history and its purpose…

  2. JHDC Call for Papers – Special Issue on Participatory Research

    …rocesses. It further requires attention more broadly not only to university-community but also to South-North asymmetries of power in knowledge production Hence, in this special issue, we aim to initiate a provocative conversation of challenging methodological lines that participatory practices have experienced in our capability research area. The point is to bring theoretical and empirical insights – especially from the South – to re-think the li…

  3. Regional networks

    …he region, to disseminate relevant information – or assist with organising – complimentary activities such as programmes, courses and trainings on human development and the capability approach, workshops/meetings, and any other events in line with the demand of the members of this network. The network’s facebook group: East Asia Network The East Asia Regional Network intends to connect capability res…

  4. HDCA WEBINAR: Children during the Pandemic: A View from the CA

    …e event will take place through Zoom. Please register in order to receive the link to the meeting and further information. Link for Eventbrite registration, below. This webinar is organised by the Thematic Group on Children and Youth of the Human Development and Capabilities Association. For more information, contact n.brando[a]…

  5. Overview of Past HDCA Conferences and Global Dialogue

    …- Nicaragua, Managua: Human Development: Vulnerability, Inclusion and Well-being 2012 – Indonesia, Jakarta: Revisiting Development: Do We Assess It Correctly? 2011 – the Netherlands, The Hague: Innovation, Development & Human Capabilities 2010 – Jordan, Amman: Human Rights & Human Development 2009 – Peru, Lima: Participation, Poverty and Power 2008 – India, New Dehli: Equality, Inclusion and Human Development 2007 – USA, New York: Ideas Changing…

  6. Vote in the HDCA Executive Council Elections!

    …The online voting for open positions on the HDCA Executive Council started on 12 April and will remain open through 12 May (12:00 am London time.) All HDCA members were sent an email with a link to their online ballot. Please contact Kathy ( with any questions or if you did not receive the email with voting link….

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