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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

The Role of Social Policy in Promoting Human Security in the MENA Region

This webinar explores the concept of human security within the MENA region. The region has long been marred by protracted conflicts that have a strong multi-dimensional nature. This requires a closer examination of the various threats to social cohesion. Human security proves to be a worthwhile construct to further explore within this context due to its ability to recognise multiple threats – whether from poverty, inequality or political marginalisation. Not only can human security be defined as a people-centred, multi-disciplinary comprehension of security, above all it seeks to advance freedom to live in dignity, freedom from fear and freedom from want/need. Freedoms which are essential to build a peaceful society. Linking human security back to its grounding in human development, allows for a further exploration as to what role social policy can play in promoting human security within the MENA region. The webinar was organised by both the HDCA Thematic Group Human Security and the MENA Social Policy Network and is part of the current GCRF-AHRC project on “Strengthening Security and Social Welfare in the MENA region”.

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