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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. ZIF Summer School 2017 – Universität Bielefeld

    …ch for their own purposes and to obtain a supportive interdisciplinary and international network for future collaborations. This comprehends knowledge and skills on: The state of the art of poverty measurement The advantages of multidimensional poverty measurement with the Fuzzy Set Approach The basics, the logic and structure behind the concept of multidimensional poverty measurement and Fuzzy Set Approach Introduction to SAS Introduction to the…

  2. HDCA WEBINAR: Children during the Pandemic: A View from the CA

    …ERS Caroline Hart (University of Sheffield): Children living in a Covid-19 World: Reflections from England Kate Sollis (Australian National University): COVID-19 and its impacts on children and young people in Australia: An evidence review Graciela Tonon (Universidad de Palermo): Children`s views on the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study The event will take place through Zoom. Please register in order to receive the link to the meeting and fur…

  3. Call for Papers: Third CAMBRIDGE CAPABILITY CONFERENCE (CCC) – 2018

    …NABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT” CALL FOR PAPERS Cambridge has been home to many researchers working on the Capability Approach. In 2016 we launched a new series of annual capability conferences along similar lines as the early capability conferences that we initiated back in 2001. The main objective was to recreate the intimate intellectual atmosphere, in-depth discussions and time for exchanges, having one hour per paper and no parallel sessions. While…

  4. Webinar “Children’s feeling of Security: a view from the Capability Approach” July, 6th, 2018

    …3-4pm London, 7.30-8.30pm New Delhi This webinar shares the results of a research project conducted by the Social Sciences Research Centre (CICS-UP) of Palermo University (Argentina) dedicated to understanding and describing the views of children between 8 and 12 years old living in different contexts of the Metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. Starting from the theoretical introduction on children-security and capability approach, the speakers will…

  5. COVID-19 y Desarrollo Humano en América Latina: Hacia una nueva agenda de investigación, políticas y responsabilidad social

    3 y 5 de junio 17:30 a 19:00 hrs (UTC-5) El Instituto de Desarrollo Humano de América Latina en colaboración con la Dirección Académica de Responsabilidad Social – PUCP (DARS) lanza el ciclo de webinars «Covid-19 y Desarrollo Humano en América Latina: Hacia una agenda de investigación, políticas y responsabilidad social». Este se orientará a generar discusión en torno a la relación entre #Covid19 y #desarrollohumano, en seis países de la región….

  6. Webinar: Horizontal inequalities and intersectionality

    …introduction, Frances and Chiara will present findings from their latest research on Horizontal and Intersecting Inequalities. After the panel presentation there will be a question and answer session open to all online participants. The last 20 minutes of the webinar will be reserved for an open discussion on participants’ current work on these themes and an opportunity to exchange with other people working in this area. To register to attend this…

  7. Final Newsletter of the GeNECA project on Sustainable Development and the Capability Approach

    …on where the CA can contribute to furthering sustainability, where more research is needed, and for which problems related to the implementation of sustainability the CA cannot give satisfying answers. We are certain that we meet many of you again and hope that we all contribute to a sustainable human development. Ortrud Lessmann and Felix Rauschmayer for Jürgen, Peter, Torsten, Rebecca, Ines, Mirijam, and many more who actively supported our wor…

  8. Award-winning book on re-imagining the university from a human development and capabilities perspective

    …ty of the twenty-first century, co-edited by Alejandra Boni and Melanie Walker and published by Routledge in 2013, has just been awarded the prestigious Manuel Castillo award in Spain for stimulating ‘academic, scientific and journalist research in cooperation, peace and human development fields’. A Spanish translation of parts of the book is being considered to facilitate wider dissemination. The award ceremony takes place in Valencia on 20 May 2…

  9. Workshop: Advances in stochastic dominance for welfare analysis

    …cy are particularly welcome. Keynote speakers: James Foster (Institute for International Economic Policy, George Washington University), Alain Trannoy (EHESS and Aix-Marseille School of Economics).   Submission process: Submissions of complete papers, in pdf format, are expected by July 1st, 2014. Submissions should be sent to Kelly Labart at Acceptance notes with detailed information will be sent by July 20, 2014. Organisatio…

  10. WEBINAR: Inclusive Data and Statistics: Human Development and Disability in Low- and Middle-income Countries

    …d surveys from 21 LMICs. Findings have implications for data collection, research and policy. Speaker’s Bio: Sophie Mitra is professor of economics and founding director of the Research Consortium on Disability at Fordham University in New York City. She has studied the economic impact of disability and mental illness, the effects of social protection programs, multidimensional poverty, the association between disability and poverty, the definitio…

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