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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Book Launch: The Social Construction of Capabilities in a Tamil Village

    …lopment among others. Dr Rosie Peppin Vaughan conducts interdisciplinary research around the topics of gender, education, and global governance. Her most recent work has been on the post-2015 development agenda, and transnational advocacy on girls’ and women’s education. Her theoretical work includes using the capability approach and the concept of human development to think about gender, educational equality and social justice. Find more informat…

  2. Children and Youth: Updated Literature Review – March 2019

    …The Children and Youth thematic group is happy to share a revised literature review on children and the capability approach, updated as of March 2019. This is the result of a collective effort among TG members to help scholars and practitioners to navigate across existing materials. Click here to download….

  3. New Book: “Capability-promoting policies: Enhancing individual and social development”

    …matic strategies for human development policies at the local, national and international level. International contributors innovatively combine the hitherto unpaired perspectives of the Capability Approach and the tradition of Critical Social Policy with empirical examples using case studies from South-Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America. The result is a call for a new, feasible approach towards more socially balanced, demo…

  4. Amartya Sen Selected as Routledge ‘Great Economist’

    …Amartya Sen is being featured in the Routledge ‘Great Economists Series.’ A collection of articles about Sen’s work published in Routledge journals can be found on the Taylor & Francis website:…

  5. Call for Papers: Journal of Global Ethics special issue

    …al questions Individualism, nationalism, and their decelerating effects on international commitments How ethical frameworks in development address climate change This is not an exhaustive list; prospective contributors may suggest additional topics. Contributions from scholars based in the Global South are particularly encouraged. Proposals of up to 500 words, plus reference list, are invited. Proposals and articles in English are requested. Propo…

  6. Webinar Discussion: Democratising Measurement: A Case Study from Well-Being Public Policy.

    …ies is hosted by a group of junior HDCA scholars and aims at providing a forum for exchanges and discussions between junior and senior researchers and practitioners, and in combining their competencies. All are welcome. For the full webinar schedule, updates, and to register, please visit our website: Upcoming Webinar Series Themes 1. Democratising Measurement: A Case Study from Well-Being Public Policy Anna Alexandra…

  7. 19th D. S. Borker Memorial Lecture: “My Vision of India: 2047 A.D.”

    …h, Delhi University) on Thursday 24 August 2017 at 6.30 p.m. at India International Centre Deshmukh Auditorium 40, Max Mueller Marg New Delhi (Please be seated by 6.20 p.m.) The D. S. Borker Lecture Series on “My Vision of India: 2047 A.D.” is a civil society initiative and was instituted in 1999. The lecture is held every year in the memory of D. S. Borker (1911-1979), Civil Servant and Public Sector Administrator, on August 24 at IIC-Deshmukh Au…

  8. Education panel proposals for HDCA Athens conference

    …lobal enabling environment and catalyse long-term finance. There are other international organisations contributing to these discussions, including UNESCO and UNICEF. The issue then is how are capability scholars in education positioned to contribute to the conversation, both sectorally and thematically? Contributors are invited to address issues such as the neglect of higher education in global policy, and the reasons for this; the impact of educ…

  9. WEBINAR: On Capability, Human Development and Their Measurement

    Friday, 22 June 2018, 9 am UK Key-Note Address of the Cambridge Capability Conference by Dr. Mozaffar Qizilbash, University of York We invite you all to join us for a webinar where we will broadcast as a webinar the Key-Note address of the Cambridge Capability Conference which will take place this Friday, 22 June 2018 at 9:00am UK time. Dr. Mozaffar Qizilbash, University of York, will address the conference on the topic ‘On Capability, Human Deve…

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