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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. NEW BOOK! Reparative Futures and Transformative Learning Spaces

    …s a remarkable compilation of learning practices and methodologies to construct reparative futures which are humanising, inclusive, sustainable, and more just, and where past injustices are no longer replicated but repaired or mended. The main players who populate those spaces are of a noteworthy diversity: community researchers, student activists, artists, policymakers and practitioners, and defenders of the LGTBIQ+ community, among many others….

  2. Call for Papers: Third CAMBRIDGE CAPABILITY CONFERENCE (CCC) – 2018

    …22-23 June 2018. There will be a conference fee of £15. Abstracts (max 500 words) or full papers (max 8,000 words) The selection of the best papers will be carried out by a committee integrated by Dr Flavio Comim, Dr Shailaja Fennell and Dr P B Anand. As with the two previous conferences, preference will be given to original papers exploring issues with capability indicators both in terms of theoretical and practical dimensions but other papers re…

  3. HDCA WEBINAR: Children during the Pandemic: A View from the CA

    …ERS Caroline Hart (University of Sheffield): Children living in a Covid-19 World: Reflections from England Kate Sollis (Australian National University): COVID-19 and its impacts on children and young people in Australia: An evidence review Graciela Tonon (Universidad de Palermo): Children`s views on the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study The event will take place through Zoom. Please register in order to receive the link to the meeting and fur…

  4. March 4th, 2015 – Special Issue on “Indigenous Education”

    The Creative Education (CE, Google-based Impact Factor: 0.98), a peer-reviewed open-access journal, is seeking papers for the upcoming special issue on “Indigenous Education”. We would like to invite you to submit or recommend original research papers to this issue through our Paper Submission System. Aims & Scope (not limited to the following fields) Indigenous education and its role in individual transformation Indigenous higher education units…

  5. Publishing Opportunity – International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life

    Proposals are now being accepted for the International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life. The International Handbooks of Quality of Life Research offer extensive bibliographic resources. They present literature reviews of the many sub-disciplines and areas of study within the growing field of quality of life research. Handbooks in the series focus on capturing and reviewing the quality of life research literature in…

  6. Ph.D. in International and Public Law, Ethics and Economics for Sustainable Development

    …ty of Milan, characterized by a large network of international cooperation worldwide. The LEES aims at the creation of a global interdisciplinary research community that shares a commitment to the goals of sustainability. With courses, seminars, and scientific research activities held entirely in English, it addresses the complexities involved in sustainable development and uses an innovative multidisciplinary approach that combines the contributi…

  7. EXTENDED DEADLINE, REDUCED FEE FOR MASTER STUDENTS! “Energy Justice and the Capability Approach – Interdisciplinary Perspectives”

    12-13 SEPTEMBER 2018, MALMÖ, SWEDEN Extended deadline for Abstracts: 21 August Extended deadline for Registration: 27 August Recently, social scientists and philosophers have shown increased interest in questions of social, global and intergenerational justice related to energy production and consumption. Topics that have been discussed are, for example, questions about availability and affordability of energy and questions about the negative env…

  8. Call for Applications: PhD Program in Law, Ethics and Development – Cameroon and Scotland

    Ethics and Public Policy Laboratory/Laboratoire d’Ethique et de Politiques Publiques Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale As part of the collaborative research agreement between the Yaoundé EthicsLab (Université Catholique d’Afrique Central, Cameroon) and the University of Glasgow School of Law (Scotland, UK), we are accepting applications for a PhD candidate. This is a 3 year funded PhD grant that will allow the candidate to benefit from joi…

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