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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Add Webinar/ Video

    …Please contact us with suggestions for jobs, events, publications or other news relevant to our website. Thank you!…

  2. JUST PUBLISHED! The Cambridge Handbook of the Capability Approach

    Edited by Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, University of Pavia, Siddiqur Osmani, Ulster University, Mozaffar Qizilbash, University of York This landmark handbook collects in a single volume the current state of cutting-edge research on the capability approach. It includes a comprehensive introduction to the approach as well as new research from leading scholars in this increasingly influential multi-disciplinary field, including the pioneers of capab…

  3. Special issue ‘Information Technology for Development’ on CA

    …4D research and practice (editorial) – Annika Andersson, Åke Grönlund & Gudrun Wicander Building collective capabilities through ICT in a mountain region of Nepal: where social capital leads to collective action – Devinder Thapa, Maung K. Sein & Øystein Sæbø The capability approach as a tool for development evaluation; analyzing students’ use of internet resources – Mathias Hatakka & Jenny Lagsten Signifiers of the life we value? Considering human…

  4. Edited volume ‘The CA, Technology & Design’ published

    …Springer has just published the edited volume ‘The Capability Approach, Technology & Design’ in her book series ‘Philosophy of Engineering and Technology’. Many of the chapter in the book are written by members of this thematic group. The first introduction chapter to the book presents a quite extensive literature review on the topic. More information about the book….

  5. Expert workshop ‘ICT4D & the CA’ a success

    …Those of you who were at the recent 2011 HDCA conference will probably know that there was a pre-conference workshop on ICT4D and the CA. It was hosted by IICD, a Dutch NGO specializing in ICT4D. The workshop provided great interaction between academics and practitioners. To see a description of the topic on which discussions were convened, plus a photo impression of the workshop, please visit the workshop’s webpage….

  6. New Book: “The Creation of the Human Development Approach”

    By Tadashi Hirai, Project Researcher in the University of Tokyo, Japan, and a supervisor specializing in the human development approach and the human development index at the University of Cambridge, UK. Summary This book examines the main reasons and challenges for the success of the human development approach both in theory and practice as an alternative to the economic growth model. Unlike the preceding research which has typically been either…

  7. Webinar: Children’s Feeling of Security – A View from the Capability Approach

    July 6th, 2018 10-11am New York, 11-12am Buenos Aires 3-4pm London, 7.30-8.30pm New Delhi Featuring Graciela Tonon, Denise Benatuil, Damián Molgaray and María Juliana Laurito CICS-UP, Master Program in Social Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Palermo, Argentina This webinar shares the results of a research project conducted by the Social Sciences Research Centre (CICS-UP) of Palermo University (Argentina) dedicated to understand

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