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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. TERI University – BLISS School 2016 on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns

    …ards Resource Efficient Urban Habitats: Planning and Management for Infrastructure, Energy, and Waste Innovation and Technology for SCP: Cleaner and Safer Production, Sustainable Food Systems, Tourism, Lifestyles and Education Mainstreaming SCP through Stakeholder Engagement and Policy–making The sessions will also present case studies on leading SCP practices as well as showcase innovative policies promoting SCP both at the regional and national…

  2. Seminar at Centre for Public Policy Research, King’s College London

    …ns Matter?” Paper presented by Dr. Caroline Sarojini Hart The seminar will run from 1-2pm and will be held in room G/8, Waterloo Bridge Wing, Franklin Wilkins Building (SE1 9NH). Please see the abstract below. Refreshments will be served, please feel free to forward this invitation to any interested parties. Abstract Drawing on the capability approach, this presentation aims, first of all, to situate education in relation to the global post-2015 a…

  3. March 4th, 2015 – Special Issue on “Indigenous Education”

    The Creative Education (CE, Google-based Impact Factor: 0.98), a peer-reviewed open-access journal, is seeking papers for the upcoming special issue on “Indigenous Education”. We would like to invite you to submit or recommend original research papers to this issue through our Paper Submission System. Aims & Scope (not limited to the following fields) Indigenous education and its role in individual transformation Indigenous higher education units…

  4. Invitation to Webinar: Social innovation and climate emergency

    …again! Over the last decade social innovation served as an ambivalent buzzword: on the one hand promising more efficient solutions for social and environmental problems in times of austerity; on the other hand, opening innovation discourse to actors from civil society and politics and associated discourses such as grassroots innovation and democratic innovation. A frequent finding of emerging social innovation research: social innovation has to b…

  5. Book on “The Capability Approach and Sustainability”

    …issue of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities published in February 2013, it starts with a contribution by Amartya Sen on the “Ends and Means of Sustainability”. All contributions focus on the difficulties that arise from a freedom-oriented view of sustainability. The introduction by the editors Felix Rauschmayer and Ortrud Leßmann has been adapted and the article on “Human Development and Sustainability” written by Eric Neumayer has…

  6. Book Launch: The Social Construction of Capabilities in a Tamil Village

    …privileges are inherited and social mobility constrained? The Social Construction of Capabilities in a Tamil Village answers this question by analysing the intersections between caste, class and education, and argues that capabilities—that is, the competence or life skills one acquires through education—are socially constructed and not an inherent trait of the individual. L. N. Venkataraman is a Faculty at the Department of Policy Studies in TERI…

  7. Children and Youth: Updated Literature Review – March 2019

    …The Children and Youth thematic group is happy to share a revised literature review on children and the capability approach, updated as of March 2019. This is the result of a collective effort among TG members to help scholars and practitioners to navigate across existing materials. Click here to download….

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