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Trani JF, Bakhshi P, Rolland C (2011) Capabilities, perception of well-being and development effort: Some evidence from Afghanistan. Oxford Development Studies, 39(4): 403-426.
Groce N, Bailey N, Lang R, Kett M, Trani JF (2011). Disability and poverty: The Need for a More Nuanced Understanding of Implications for Development Policy and Practice. Third World Quarterly, 32(8): 1493-1513.
Trani JF, Bakhshi P, Bellanca N, Biggeri M and Marchetta F (2011). Disabilities through the Capability Approach lens: Implications for public policies. Alter, European Journal of Disability Research. 5(3): 143-157
Lang R, Kett M, Groce N and Trani JF (2011). Disability, the Capability Approach and human rights: the next steps in disability studies and practice. European Journal of Disability Research. 5(3): 206-220
Dubois JL, Trani JF (2009). Enlarging the Capability Paradigm to Address the Complexity of Disability, European Journal of Disability Research, 3(3): 2-28.