…rs and practitioners with two main broad objectives. First, to produce high-quality and policy-relevant academic knowledge on different topics on development studies in Latin America using the normative language of the Human Development and Capability Approach. Second, to trigger transformative actions that increase the actual freedom that people in Latin America have to lead the life they value and to build just societies. The HDCA-LA has strong…
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Ruswa, Anesu Sam (2019). 'Multidimensional student poverty at a South African university: a case for connected methodologies' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2019, London, UK.
Scheu, Tobias (1); Schmidtke, Julia (2); Volkert, Juergen (3) (2019). 'Refugees’ access to the German labor market: people-centered and employers’ perceptions of refugees’ capabilities, restrictions and perspectives' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2019, London, UK.
RECORDING AVAILABLE: Exploring COVID from an Indigenous People perspective
…w the recording: https://hd-ca.org/videos/hdca-webinar-exploring-covid-from-an-indigenous-people-perspective Download the list of panelists The indigenous experience is very different than that of the larger country where they live. Indigenous people often are marginalized, unseen, and forgotten – resulting in a very different experience of COVID than other groups. From a history of pandemics and indigenous beliefs, we will learn how COVID affects…
Brando, Nico (2020). Children's Abilities, Freedom, and the Process of Capability-Formation. Journal of Capabilities and Human Development Online First. DOI: 10.1080/19452829.2020.1767547
Latin American Network: Introduction
European Network: Introduction
…approach”, will be presented by Philippa Shepherd on March 21st, 2024 13:00-14:00 CET. Find more information here! Subscribe to our mailinglist Sign up The HDCA European Network aims to bring together researchers, policy makers and practitioners interested in the capability approach and human development and who are working on, or in, Europe. The network supports communication and dialogue across its membership, as well as encouraging connections…
JHDC Call for Papers – Special Issue on Participatory Research
…is to bring theoretical and empirical insights – especially from the South – to re-think the limitations of current practices but also the possibilities to advance towards more democratic, decolonial and ethical participatory practices in our scholarly community. Thus, the special issue aims to explore how participatory research has a high potential to identify and document the local (indigenous) knowledge valued by communities and flesh out the e…
19th Annual Labor and Employment Law Roundtable (USA)
…coming Biden administration and how the change of occupancy in the White House is likely to affect issues such as workplace safety, labor law reform, and workplace discrimination. – What changes to expect with regard to workplace safety, hourly wages, contractors, and labor litigation – The likely Biden agenda and how the new administration will seek to affect organizing – Whether true legislative labor law reform will be possible or whether the B…
Strohmeier, Carina (2020). 'Studying abroad and the impact on the home country’s development' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2020.