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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Call for Papers: Journal of Global Ethics Special Issue on Education and Migration

    …tributions from Meira Levinson (Harvard University), Krassimir Stojanov (KU-Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Carola Suárez-Orozco (UCLA) and Marcelo Suárez-Orozco (UCLA). Publication is projected for issue 14:2 (2018). Length: 8000 words excluding tables, references, footnotes, and endnotes. Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: title; abstract (200 words); keywords; main text; acknowledgments; references; appendices (if appropriate). Style…

  2. Call for Papers: Journal of Global Ethics special issue

    …cripts will proceed through at least one round of revision before final decision by Co-Editors. Publication of the special issue is anticipated for December 2023 or soon thereafter. Style guidelines: Submission of proposals: September 1, 2022 Notification regarding proposals communicated to authors by Co-Editors: Oct…

  3. Call for Papers – 6th Meeting of ALCADECA (Latin American and the Caribbean Association for the Study of Human Capabilities)

    …n, including address, phone and email of each author and an abstract with 3-5 keywords. b) Proposals for thematic panel sessions should be proposed as such, under a single theme. The sessions will be 90 minutes long, and so will accommodate 3 or 4 component papers. Each panel should have a coordinator who submits an abstract for the panel of up to 500 words in English, Spanish or Portuguese with 3-5 keywords. In addition, an abstract of similar ch…

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